Are used to like my coffee six creams ice two Splenda at Dunkin’ Donuts now it’s down three creams two Splenda ice at Dunkin’ Donuts and ,I hardly go there and that doesn’t count my flavor I want lol.
At home it used to be a cup of coffee and now it went down half a cup of coffee and now it’s different because, I started drinking coffee six years ago yeah 28 lol no, I pushed it down to a cup of milk and 2 to 3 tablespoons of creamer two Splenda Now that I’m in our healthy journey ,
I do either a cup or half a cup of either cow milk or when that runs out I’ll do almond milk, a protein half of the proteins, so it last longer and the coffee and sometimes I don’t even do Splenda I leave it like that and ,I mix the milk with the protein ,I added to my coffee or sometimes I’ll add the coffee into the blender with the milk and the protein and ,I blend it once in a blue I’ll do a frozen coffee but most of the time is just an iced coffee Sorry that this was a lots.