I’m officially done trying to make friends
I’ve been trying to make my own friends since having our first in 2021. I guess I didn’t really have friends before that cause I moved to hubbys hometown 800 miles away from my own in 2016 and the “friends” I did have before kids were his friends that I met through him. He has a couple close friends/acquaintances currently but I’m still left with none.
We had a big fight last night and he told me the one friend, who’s a female and has been his friend for 20+ years, that I’ve been wanting to be friends with for the longest time doesn’t hang out with me because all I do is complain (she’s not wrong but I have nobody to talk to EVER) and tbh that stung hard. She hangs out when I’m not around and makes sure to leave before I get home from work, which I guess makes sense now that I know what I know. Like I suck to be around so much people actively avoid being around me so I deleted all the apps I had trying to make friends because it’s pointless. I’m a person who has to meet someone in person to feel a connection and keep up a relationship so trying to find friends online is pointless
We had a big fight last night and he told me the one friend, who’s a female and has been his friend for 20+ years, that I’ve been wanting to be friends with for the longest time doesn’t hang out with me because all I do is complain (she’s not wrong but I have nobody to talk to EVER) and tbh that stung hard. She hangs out when I’m not around and makes sure to leave before I get home from work, which I guess makes sense now that I know what I know. Like I suck to be around so much people actively avoid being around me so I deleted all the apps I had trying to make friends because it’s pointless. I’m a person who has to meet someone in person to feel a connection and keep up a relationship so trying to find friends online is pointless