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Do you think corporal punishment should be reinstated in schools?

Why or why not?
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Lynda70 · F
@SW-User They'd be far fewer discipline problems if teachers simply showed some respect for the students and students' parents like they do in the rest of Europe.
Lynda70 · F
@SW-User A lot of parents are products of abusive schools. It's no surprise that they won't believe everything a teacher says without question.
redredred · M
My kids are all grown up now but if any teacher had ever laid a hand on any one of them I would have left that teacher in a state that would gag the coroner.
TexChik · F
With today's kids, many would retaliate. As a parent, if another adult hits one of my kids instead of calling me or my husband...I would have a big problem with that. That's why mine are homeschooled.
No because with younger children it may cause psychological damage. With older students they might just refuse. Then what? That could easily lead to a physical confrontation.
There are ways to get the attention of students and it does not have to be in the form of any physical way.
Iwillwait · M
The world is violent enough, we do not need more beatings.
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
Absolutely. It would cure a hell of a lot of the bratty behaviour in school.
chrisCA · M
@Eeyore122 Funny how some parents are paranoid of drag queens, but the idea of a teenage girl, bent over a desk, and paddled by a male principal does not raise eyebrows.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@AirForce687 It never worked when I was in primary school in the early sixties. The same set of hooligans and bullies were always getting the dap. It never had any effect on them.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@AirForce687 And help protect kids from being bullied.
smacked30D · 70-79, M
I was given the slipper and the cane at school , it taught me a painful lesson and how to behave.
No teacher wants the liability.
No. The evidence we used to outlaw it might come in handy -. Too bad you don't care about such things as education.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
No -

we are past this type of punishment
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nedkelly · 61-69, M
@nickir Very hard to explain to an American - as they are the world leading expert on everything
nickir · 61-69, M
@nedkelly in this particular case yes . You haven't explained your terrifically ingenious plan to get an 11 yo to look a mere 11 years in the future when what you're saying will be valuable to him. And how if you're successful what about the kid next to him. Or the 1 behind or on the other side of him. They all have an equal right to a good well-rounded education.
@EternityI live in the U.S. There are those who have actually bettered themselves while incarcerated. I agree with you saying there is violence in prisons.
Back to your initial response. Not practical, not going to happen.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@soar2newhighs it wont happen, but not because it isn't practical.

It wont happen because prisons are private and the more people in them the more money they make their owners.

They wouldn't want something like that to come along and dramatically reduce the number of people who spend time incarcerated.
@Eternity As Cyndi Lauper sang…” Money changes everything!”
Have a happy new year!
Eternity · 26-30, M
@soar2newhighs happy new year man
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
Yes absolutely it would cure a LOT of disrespect and bratty behavour.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No. It's barbarous brutality.
Serkan · 61-69, M
sametime but i think there are other punishement
Yes but only for teachers
Some need a good ass whooping
chrisCA · M
@SW-User They may enjoy it. 😅
Eternity · 26-30, M
Not in schools. But for nonviolent crimes i think it should be instated instead of jail and prison time that costs taxpayer money.

If someone shoplifts just beat their ass in public and call it a day. They'll stop.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@soar2newhighs let? Who said anything about let?

Arrest them, charge them, sentence them that as their punishment.


Their compliance is not a factor.

Whoever is willing to shoot poison into someone's veins at the order of the state would surely also be willing to swing a cane or a whip.

Hide their identities so retaliation is impossible.

Or hell, strap them into a machine and let robot do it.

Sounds like a job for ole Bender Bending Rodriguez
@Eternity With the way society is today it’s very uncertain if this would work. We live in a very litigious world.
So if they don’t want to “ let” it happen and the route you suggest ends up with them being as you say , “ just beat their ass” connotes a form of physical punishment and I would see it as you lay it out, being administered by the “authorities” who are part of the judicial/ law enforcement entities.
You have any idea of the Pandora’s box that might open?
Our incarceration systems are intended to rehabilitate not physically punish.
Eternity · 26-30, M
@soar2newhighs lmao! What? You must live in a civilized nation.

Here in the US our prisons are places where the misguided become evil and the evil become heinous.

It is nothing but punishment. People are raped by inmates and guards, people are sold, strung out, exploited, killed, and worse.

Our prisons are all about punishment. All im saying is pur system should just drop the act and cut out the middle man. Commit to the role they are playing already.
marriedplus3 · 31-35, M
Yes I do in the days corporal punishment exists in school. It worked kids was better behaved and overall more respectful
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Your mom knew what would hurt you more than any spanking.
Eeyore122 · 36-40, F
Right. As I told people, just because my butt was spared compared to what many got,doesn't mean I got off the hook totally for stunts.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
I'm sorry - I don't believe you,marriedplus3. When I went to public school, spanking was verboten (although it was okay when my mom and dad were in school). We were never struck by teachers or administrators, and a few today don't know their own strength. Where does spanking leave off and beating begin? Have you seen the newsreels with teachers who got carried away manhandling a discipline problem? Kids DIE from that humiliating nonsense.

If parents believe in it (although I don't) corporal punishment belongs in the home, from Mom or Dad, administered behind closed doors, and don't get carried away. A teacher is too much of a virtual stranger (sorry, Eeyore) to administer a paddling.

There was a 16-year-old honor student in Ohio a few years ago who got into a fight with another girl. The second one was suspended and the honor student was given the choice of a paddling or three-day suspension. She was carrying a double classload and didn't want to miss three days. She chose the paddle. The teacher who hit her with the paddle hit her once - just once - but so hard she had a huge blood blister across her entire bottom that lasted a couple of months.

This is why I don't believe in school spankings.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@HeadGirl Let's see if I can explain my knowledge of this subject.

One - When my parents were kids in school, teachers, both parochial and public, were permitted to spank kids. This was in the 1930's and 1940's. At that time, parents (my grandparents) didn't object, and often, kids that came home after getting it in school got another one from Mom or Dad.

Before my parents grew up, married, and had schoolage children of their own, the Board of Education (public schools, anyway) abolished physical punishment. This was about 1950 - five years before I was born. My parents were glad to see it go and felt it was THEIR job to it at home.

Two- Teachers are virtual strangers to a child. If I had had to suffer that indignity at a teacher's hands, I would have been humiliated and traumatized, and afraid to go to school every day of my life. I can't forget that schoolgirl in Ohio who got into a fight with another student. The first one got suspended, then they gave the other girl the choice of a three-day suspension or a paddling. She was carrying a double class load and didn't want to miss three days. She chose the paddling. The administrator hit her once - just once - but so hard she had a blood blister across her bottom that lasted several weeks. I call this unnecessary abuse.

Three - Not every child needs/deserves a spanking. I grew up with kids who were both abused at home or never struck at all. I had teachers whose specialty was humiliation in front of the other kids.This included knocking the hats off boys who didn't remove them promptly upon entering a school building, grabbing kids by the hair, shoving kids into a corner while holding them by the arm.
St0ut · 51-55, M
No, I had a teacher actively bullying my son when he was in 4th grad.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
That is TERRIBLE. As I said in many other posts, if my first-grade trauma hadn't been addressed immediately, I would have quit going to school the next day and every day after that. Thank God for my understanding mom, who knew I didn't lie to her, and the wisdom of Mrs. Landry, the principal.
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MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Oh, not me. I LOVED school - until this incident. I was minding my own business and got accused of something I didn't even do. The little witch who accused me of it sat on the far side of the classroom and I was NOWHERE NEAR her desk. I stayed away from her because she made it plain she didn't like me. Well, more power to her. Just leave me alone. But she had figured a way to get me in trouble.
4meAndyou · F
No. I think we need to pay for school supplies, books, computers, and extra teachers by having cameras taking video in every room and in the hallways and outside, and I think parents need to sign an agreement stating they will pay fines for every single discipline infraction.

If the parents are paying through the nose for their lousy children, you had better believe corporal punishment will be reinstated at home.
@Spoiledbrat Some kids are practically angelic. I kid around, but seriously, I'm not trying to promote beating children or anything. Just good old fashion Andy Griffith spankings when they really need it!
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
[My parents sent us to public school. There were four of us, and by the time we attended, spankings were outlawed there. That didn't stop teachers from knocking boys across the back of their heads for forgetting to remove their hats on coming indoors, or grabbing girls by the hair for wearing an abbreviated skirt (that didn't reveal anything, but the teacher thought it did). If there was spanking to be done, my parents did it in private at home. I can still hear my mother's words, "If any teacher lays ONE HAND on my son (or daughter), I'll kill him (or her). "
nickir · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou EXCELLENT idea. But have a pop-up for every infraction committed, complete with what each cost. Otherwise the morons will take you to court as they honestly have never seen the kid misbehave. They block it out when it affects other people. Among thepeople I know, those who use moderate CP have well-behaved kids. Those who don't choose not to see anything reprehensible that their kid does. Or choose the futile path of repeating not to do that & giving one the despairing look of "See how hard a parent's job is" but not effectively stopping the kid's misbehavior. They also trust that if the kid does something dangerous to himself that you will do something to stop it at your own risk. Pretty stupid.
Beating other ppls kids should have never been on..
Be nice if parents did some actual parenting ...
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
I have heard on Social Media that persons who are now adults grew up spanked not only by teachers, but by babysitters, aunts, uncles, assorted relatives and even the neighbors. My mother and father would never allow this. They felt that spanking if any was THEIR job and nobody else's. And, as much as I hated a spanking. I agreed with them. I wouldn't want a virtual (to me) stranger allowed to do it . Especially in the primary grades in school - I would have been forever traumatized.
@MaryJanine You are so right. No one would ever touch my kids that was my job
nickir · 61-69, M
I think that any parent that's against corporal punishment in schools should be given a lesson plan for a 7th grade typical class. She will then have to teach to the lesson plan. She will have no control options that could cost the public any money, like a detention of more than 10 minutes as that would cause the sub trouble. She would not be allowed to send more than 2 kids out to the counselor or the dean (1 each) as that requires a referral which they're cracking down on. She will be able to send no more than 2 to other teachers rooms. She will not be able to bribe kids with candy or toys. If she doesn't finish the lesson for any class, she gets paddled herself -- 10 spanks for every unfinished lesson. Of course, I would set up the computer so that she can take roll without a glitch as we want a pure test. But she would have to get thru roll herself. Since I have no seating chart most of the time, she can either make her own or trust to luck that she's named the right disruptive kid during the lesson. (Extra spanks if she hasn't I promise not to laugh while she "teaches". I also promise not to give her too many blisters when I apply the paddle at the end of the day.

Remember, when I went to school the paddle was an option in every school I went to. (6 by 12th grade). I got 1 spank 1 time for doing something dangerous. Most kids went thru without even that. While I concede that a fewof the teachers back then WERE paddle-happy, this was not the vast majority. I have had things thrown at me, been cursed out regularly, & been threatened & I teach in the good part of the district. The paddle wasn't used that much, but the threat of the paddle worked wonders.
Give me 2 months, a paddle, a hold harmless for the low-grade morons who are suit-happy & grades will sky-rocket. Homework however, except in maths will be lots less & even in maths would be somewhat less. The 1 valuable thing we have gotten out of this dumbass experiment in permissiveness is that in a colossal futile effort to try to make things as interesting as talking to their friends, we now have more modalities in use to put learning across. Other than that it's been an enormous & absolutely foreseeable failure. I REALLY wish I could do that test with the people who with earnest good intent have set education back 50 years.
nickir · 61-69, M
Sit in on a class in a public school. Not a cherry-picked class like AP or honors, but an average class of 6-12th graders at an average school. Make sure that the teacher is not walking around overseeing whether they're working at the assignment because she shouldn't have to & because it doesn't do much good anyway.
Not to mention the fact that we still have a huge dropout rate, even with the curriculum & tests dumbed down.
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MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@SW-UserThanks for your support!
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Yes for sure.
thephoenix · M
I went to Catholic school and was spanked often by the nuns with a paddle. They called it the Board of Education. When you were spanked with that thing an education you received.
Were you ever spanked at school?
@HeadGirl I enjoyed it and still do. Do you think kids that are spanked grow to develop a fetish?
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@RemovedUsername825748 It has to be dormant in their nature all along, but being spanked does awaken the fetish.
@HeadGirl That's true, I miss those days when my mom and nuns spanked me.
It should be. I want to Catholic school. If I didn't obey the nun's rules I would get a spanking. If I would go home and tell my parents that the nun spanked me, my mom would call the school to see what I did. After talking to the nun my mom would be so mad that she would often spank me again. So I learned to kept my mouth shut.
Of course, all of this is old school. Nowadays the parents think my little darling never does anything wrong. He's right and the teacher is wrong. Should the teacher even mention even threaten a spanking to the student, the parents may sue the school district. Do you think that corporal punishment should be brought back?
I too attended Catholic school. Had nuns, then in HS priests. You often got slapped, but never spanked. Either that or got slammed up against a wall by one of the priests and read the riot act. In today's society, for the most part I think it is not something (spanking or any physical contact to get a student's attention) that is really condoned.@RemovedUsername825748
@soar2newhighs I think that the spanking part by the nuns is ok but being slammed against the wall by the priest is downright abuse. If corporal punishment is brought back it should be done in moderation. What do you you think?
Hi thanks for your reply. First, in today's very litigious society, and the values and views that are held by many especially with respect to corporal punishment, I doubt we'll see a return to even as you say, corporal punishment in "moderation". And not to make light of your post, remember too, the Catholic church is/has been under siege and the microscope for the alleged massive sexual abuse that went on over the years and was ignored by those who should have acted but did not.That said, if I had to bet money on it, I'd say, no you won't see it re-instated.@RemovedUsername825748
ArtieKat · M
In my opinion it should never have been made illegal. When I was growing up the cane - just the threat, really - was a great deterrent at the schools I attended.

I'm not optimistic that in this day and age, where offenders' rights are given so much credence, that corporal punishment will ever make a return.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
My mother used to say (I can still hear it today): "If any teacher lays ONE HAND on my child, I'll KILL him/her." She felt it was HER job to spank us, not some stranger we barely knew. And those that are still spanking for punishment don't know their own strength, or traumatize the little ones. Spanking was prohibited by the time my siblings and I got there, but I would have NEVER wanted to go back if it ever happened to me. Did you read my reply to another poster who shares your opinions? I told him abut the 16-year-old honor student in Ohio who took a paddling in lieu of a suspension. The administrator who hit her once - JUST ONCE - but hit her so hard she flew across the desk and had a huge blood blister on her bottom for months. Ohio no longer paddles (thank God) and I'm all for it.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
No. I dislike the notion of hitting children - or violence anyway.

I don't mind spanking as a consensual game between adults - and have enjoyed it - but I oppose real corporal punishment, of anyone of any age.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
No. Not even in parochial schools. They had it in public schools here when my mom and dad went to school. Then, I'm not sure when exactly, before my sister went to school, it was outlawed there. My two younger brothers and I didn't suffer through it, although there was hair-pulling with the boys when they forgot to remove their hats (even in the wintertime) which I think was extremely dumb. My mother said, "If any teacher lays ONE HAND on my child (children) I will KILL him or her." (She went to school at least once for all four of us when the teacher wrangled with our outspokenness.)

My grandmother (Dad's mother) put him in parochial school for a year. He got expelled as well as spanked when he answered the nun's "Praise the Lord" with "And pass the ammunition...we're goin' fishin'..." The kids loved it, but the sister didn't. He was the only one of the adults who felt the pointer on his bottom as a kid.

Corporal punishment still exists in places, but not everywhere. Most of Europe and the United States no longer use it in schools. Those that do often don't realize their own strength and can traumatize a younger child or hurt an older one. Before it was banned in Ohio, a 16-year-old honor student took the paddle in lieu of being suspended. The administrator in charge of the discipline hit her once - only once - but so hard she had a huge blood bruise on her bottom for at least a month.
St0ut · 51-55, M
@MaryJanine totally get what you are saying
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Thanks - I am glad you do. Now, if we could get those all-kids-need-be-spanked people together, maybe there would be less where it's still allowed.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
No. It used to be allowed when my parents were in school, but it was abolished about 1950's - and none too soon.

Corporal punishment (spankings) are the parent's job - no one else's. I've seen far too many of these newsreels where a kid is spanked (by hand or an instrument)and then dragged all over creation. Said kid is screaming in agony and pain, and teacher/administrator is standing over him/her, sometimes hanging on to a leg or arm and screaming back louder. This is a national disgrace!

We are trying to eliminate child abuse. What kind of a example are we setting for the next generation who often watch the news with Mom or Dad and sees such violence? There's been an increase in DCFS investigations where the kid is dying or dead. This should not be.

Punish if you wish, teachers - but there are other ways to go about it. You don't like to be cuffed around - so how do you think a kid feels?
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
My mother raised four kids. She and Dad agreed that it was THEIR job - and nobody else's - to spank us.

Teachers - virtual strangers to kids - should not be allowed to spank. Most of them don't know their own strength, or don't know where spankings end and beatings begin. Did you read my post to someone else about the Ohio honor student who got into a fight with some other kid? The aggressor got suspended and they gave the Ohio girl a choice of a three-day suspension or a paddling. This particular girl was carrying a double class load and didn't want to miss three days. She chose the paddle. The administrator hit her once - just once -
but so hard she had a huge blood blister across her bottom that lasted for months. Had that happened to one of us, my mother would've had them in COURT. She swore she'd KILL ANY TEACHER who laid a hand on her kids.

If you feel a kid needs to be spanked, send home a note and let the PARENTS
DO IT. I have seen an upsweep lately in abuse where the teachers are still permitted to spank kids. The younger the kid is, the more traumatic it can be for him or her. And the dragging and scraping across the floors is on the increase. too. Again, the kid has probably already been spanked in addition to this treatment. I wouldn't treat someone's DOG that way.
@MaryJanine I can grok this. That would be perfectly acceptable as far as I'm concerned, but the reason there is so much douchebaggery these days is because a generation and a half didn't get any healthy trips to the woodshed. It couldn't be more obvious. There are a lot more contributing factors, like substance abuse and single parents .... or absentee parents. There are a lot more lousy lying pieces of shit than there use to be, and that is because kids weren't raised right.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
I get where you're coming from. But what category do you fit the parents into who either kill (or contribute to the death of)the kids and then get their 15 minutes of fame in front of the TV cameras, claiming their children were kidnapped, only to find them dead the next day and then later confess what they did? We had two such cases within a few days of each other in Chicago (my home town) and, in each case, a DCFS worker was investigating the parents and family for suspected abuse. The one little girl was found under the couch, and the little boy was found under similar circumstances.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
Too many weirdo adults to allow them to put hands on children. I think parents need to play an active role in disciplining their children. It's not the school's job to do that.

I think all this call child welfare on parents when they are disciplining their children needs to stop. I grew up with a carribean mother. I got the fuck beat out of me. I'm a better person for it. But I get that it's not for everyone especially this soft generation.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
@HeadGirl No she had a life outside of worrying about spelling errors. I'll leave it to people online to kick my ass about spelling errors. I mean people need to do something I guess 😁
HeadGirl · 46-50, F
@TheunderdogofNY Did your mother beat the fuck out of you for being sarcastic? Lol :)
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@TheunderdogofNY Some parents don't know when spanking stops and beating begins. We just had a jerky father with mental problems beat his 23-month-old son to death with his fists. That's not discipline...that's child abuse.
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Disciplinarian · 61-69, M
I think you'd guess my answer from my profile....
Serkan · 61-69, M
maybe if peoples very wrong in school
I think they should, I was spanked a few times at school. As the old saying goes " Spare the rod and spoil the child." How do you feel about it?
No. Not every parent believes in hitting children to get them to comply. If it’s going to be legal, it should be up to the parents themselves, not some official body. Not to mention the fact that teachers and administrators have biases and don’t necessarily have all kids’ best interests at heart.
yes and parents should not be stopped from spanking there kids
@MaryJanine i am confused. you say your against it yet your profile says your for it
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
I am against it. I had no children of my own.but I was a busy and most requested babysitter from the time I was eleven, and a playleader in grammar school for a rambunctious bunch of six and seven years old girls. I never raised my hand to any of them - and what their parents did was their affair, not mine.

Sure, I got spanked - plenty of them, and hard - when I was young. But I am against it, especially in a school environment.
@MaryJanine ok i respect your view on this
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Yes, definitely. My sister spanked her son in front of mom and me because she was tired from work and came over to take him home - but he didn't want to go in the mood she was in; he said "No" and before anyone could stop her, she spanked the living daylights out of him. Then she screamed at him, "Now - we're going HOME!"

"NO!" he screamed back.

"You want ANOTHER spanking?"

"No!" "Then come ON!" She practically pulled him out the door.

My brother said he spanked his daughter maybe three times in her life. How he did it, I don't know. The other brother spanked his son, but I don't know how much or as many times. I babysat all of these three at one time or another, and I never had to raise a hand to ANY of them - or any other kid I was responsible for.

Spankings given to any child, especially in front of an audience, gives the distinct impression you have lost control. It doesn't have to be your own - I would rather reason with them and work out whatever the problem is rather than hit them. Yes, I am against it.
Not that you'd be in a setting where as you said, (School) where you were punished via a spanking, if that were you today at your age, how would you feel?
Slippery slope in today's world. too many variables involved.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No. Corporal punishment is a barbaric practice that comes out of a punitive puritanical mindset.
Blodyn · 22-25, F
No. If a teacher gives corporal punishment, the teacher has failed.
Hell no. Parents should discipline instead but never physical. Some teachers get turned on from it and some pick on those they don’t like. Some kids are abused at home.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
No. "Corporal punishment" is nothing but assault and battery.
@DunningKruger Yes, and look how much better behaved and respectful young people are since corporal punishment has been mostly phased out of western society. Nuclear families were a horrible idea too! 0 discipline and single parent homes are the only way to go!
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@puck61 Corporal punishment and capital punishment were the norm since the beginning of history. Look at how great the world has been in the past 10,000 years.
@DunningKruger Well. I don't want to stir up bad feelings or anything. I just think the phasing out of good whippings and beatings has done horrible damage to western society. I am a firm believer in "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, and a rod for the fool's back." (although I don't much approve of whipping horses.)
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Eeyore122 · 36-40, F
@silmarilion456 Why are you so anti school?
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Eeyore122 · 36-40, F
A tad harsh! I'm biased, as I am school staff and have a BSE. However, I think we have gotten better than we used to about being prison-like.
Public schools would never allow it and private schools would kick the kid into a public school.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Public schools in Chicago (where I live) USED to allow it, a few decades ago when my parents were in school. Before my sister entered school, they stopped it. Then the parochial schools followed suit a little later.

Public schools have to take ANYBODY. College Prep schools are full to bursting at the seams. Those that don't qualify end up in their local school district.
Serkan · 61-69, M
inever be spanked at school but I study very well
No. I don’t think allowing anyone to hit someone else’s children is ever a good idea. When I was a kid some of the nuns were pretty sadistic.
I think we need to get downright medieval !
Because kids are feckng batshit crazy, and need to be shocked back into some semblance of normalcy.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
There ARE still some parents around who believe in spankings. Others just don't believe in it. You're not going to change the mindset of those who never raised their hand to a kid. I was spanked. So were my siblings. We all grew up without the "rod" being spared on any of us. I have no children of my own, but I babysat plenty for assorted neighborhood kids. nephews, and one niece. My sister spanked her two boys, my one brother his son, and the other brother his daughter (maybe three times in her life). Never did I raise my hand to any of these children - and I had not one bit of trouble.
Eeyore122 · 36-40, F
Parents need to parent n hold kids accountable. Not Spanking, but kids must be held accountable.
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
I agree. My nephew is a few days away from 21. He had been boarding with Grandma and Grandpa, but he moved back in with his parents because my brother is not working (still trying to get a car accident settlement) and will get NOTHING if he goes back to work before he gets it and his mother is working short hours. He has two part-time jobs, and he is helping to buy groceries and pay bills. Anyway, when he first moved in, they were at the dinner table, and Ryne said something to his mother she didn't like, and she raised her hand as he stood up like she was going to spank him. Ryne turned on her and said, slowly, "Mom, don't you DARE!" His father backed him up, and all she said was, "Well..I didn't like the way he answered me."

Ryne is an adult (or almost). He is entitled to his opinion, as my brother and I are to ours. You don't spank an almost-21-year-old like he was a bad little kid.

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