I Love Walks In Nature PINNEDI also love walk in nature[see forest trees take picturesimage=https://photos1.similarworlds.com/00/00/00/00/01/67/99/15/Serkan-sY89JJjvOdeKB4B.jpg] (10)
Mom funeral in the churchMom will be buried january 10 at sint guido church 10ham in Brussels Sint guido church (1)
Nicole and Christina learn me to swimIn Heist in 1960 when I was 6 years I was afraid from the sea grand mom asked to 2 girls Nicole and Christina to help me to learn swimming on the beach (4)
In 1986I visit bedouins in jordanIn a travel in middle east I was invited by the bedouins in jordan a warm people who give me thea and good food (5)
Child I hate injection like today my catsAs a child I hated injections like today my cats When I was child I cried but did not scratch or bite the doctor and the nurse like my cats with the vet (4)
I love birdsI love all birds falcon ara dove media=https://photos1.similarworlds.com/00/00/00/00/02/84/12/87/Serkan-PecFxDVkO8iawm9.jpg] (8)
when I was 6 years we go north sea beachWhen I was child we go in heist a beach of north sea same time with my grand parents we go in holland on vlissingen beach we take tram ferry and bus early morning came back in evening (7)