Wife's Family : I Blame Them.My wife, before we met, lived with her eldest sister. She was a lifelong vegetarian and adopted those ways. She was only 10 when she went to live with her. Anyways, they had a bond over curries and Italian food, amongst other things, and she's eaten... See More »
I'm officially a vegetarianYUck just saw chickens eating flies , and a rat Some dumb person fed chickens raw chicken Which means they will eat anything yuck They are dirty and cannibals So off put makes me wonder what other weird things animals eat 🤔
Partial vegetarian … for nowI’m a partial vegetarian. But I’m having trouble making savory dishes for other than breakfast. I’m looking to find simple recipes to help round out my day for food. Maybe quinoa. I’m not allergic to anything though I do have issues with dairy, so I... See More »
Do you think there are any health benefits of turning into vegan or vegetarian?Two of my close friends have become vegan and asking me to give up meat and fish 😏