What is consciousness when we dream? Maybe destiny is real...When I was younger I dreamt that I got stuck inside a basement room with glass walls. I got trapped inside and there was no way my family could get in. I somehow now believe this was a symbolic dream predicting what would later come to happen in my... See More »
I will not make it to old age and I'm slow but surely starting to accept it.I probably won't even make it to my 40s Most likely I'll kill myself if by 35 If don't achieve self dependence. At 32 I still heavily depend on my parents and I feel ashamed of that. This is all caused by mental health issues such as social... See More »
Call me a late bloomer but I feel like im in my prime in my 30sIt's feels freaking amazing. I feel powerful and manly but ofcourse I must strike a good balance of humility and learn to put others before myself more.
Have you ever had moments in your life that felt magical!?As if normal everyday reality ceased to exist and you entered for a period into this magical experience?