what are some thing you look for in a partner, honestly?i look for a sense of humor and an easy going attitude, i'm too stubborn to be with someone stubborn. and looks don't matter to me too much as long as i don'[t think your super ugly i feel i can warm up to anyone becomeing attractive to me once i get... See More »
what is your favorite streaming service?paramount plus for me, just right now. i found out i can watch every episode of big brother on it, and doctor who.
power naps 30-45 min?apparently my doctor says a nap/power nap is 30-45 min. who naps for that little a time. takes me that long to fall asleep then i'm cranky if i don't get my two hours.
no judging your response, would you ever date someone who was transgender and identified as the gender your attracted to?how far into the process would they need to be if it matters?
women, do you feel it's the mans job to approach you if he likes you, or do you sometimes start the ball rolling?just curious. i was wondering if i am unsuccessful because i don't initiate enough.
i want to hear your favorite song when youre in a good mood.post a video or a link or the song and i'll search it up and give it a listen.
just curious would you say something if you had a crush on someone who then became your friend after the crush started?oh yeah and you found out she/he has a new partner.
so what did you do for thanksgiving?i watched a hockey game, a football game and ate oreos and bacon.