I am done with DM's PINNEDI am so over it and the expectations people put on you here if you dont reply to them when they want. I am tired of seeing the gross perverted messages people send me and no matter how many times you block people, the messages keep coming. I have... See More »
Boobs and dentistsAre a great combination 😆 Im normally very anxious about dentist visits but my dentist seems to really go out of her way to shove her boobs right in my face. Takes all anxiety right away. Haha more dentists should do that for those anxious.
sorry everyoneI am sorry to everyone that has been bombarded with my depressing posts as of lately. I hate being so negative all the time and enjoyed just having fun and writing and talking about lite hearted stuff. I feel like I have been stuck in this hospital... See More »
I just want to go home :(been a little over 3 weeks in hospital and for those 3 weeks, no one would tell me when I would be released and finally today, I was told that there is no release date in sight. I hate being suck in here and feeling like time has stopped but going... See More »
soooooooo bored😫🥺🫨😵 going on 3 weeks now in hospital and so bored that I have developed a habit of counting small bumps on the walls here, but I am so bored doing that, that I keep losing count because I am thinking of how bored I am and there are no other... See More »
hubba hubba, where did all these beards appear from here?lol I am seeing so many men with beards here lately. Must be Viking season at Similar Worlds 😍 would it be asking too much to show your beards in this thread? help a lonely gal out 🥺
Dentists am I right?Ever go to a dentist and while getting teeth cleaned the dentist basically rests her boobs on your forehead? happened to me today.. Umm I got to second or third base I think it is with my dentist lol 🤭
sorry to everyone I haven't replied to for a fair bit nowI have been taking much needed breaks from the internet and only give myself a very limited amount of time online now. It all gets to be a bit much for me I think and I need to distance myself. There is so much hate and anger online and it gets... See More »
got victim service recognition payment a few weeks agofeels really weird to be paid for that. Kinda like being paid off or something. Haven't wanted to spend it at all and just makes me feel gross about having it. totally different news though My father has been going through his second chemo... See More »
The Batman is probably the best superhero film everLove the dark more so superhero films that are some what close to realistic. I know its not totally realistic obviously but still love when DC manage to make really good dark gritty movies. I have hated superhero films for a long while now due to... See More »
well just great. I am now the type of crazy person whotapes up all around a heater and blocks up every small gap around it because i keep hearing something behind it. Had a feeling this day would come that my house would start to show what is going on in my head
Happy Valentines day everybodyhope you have a awesome day being spoilt either by your partner or treating yourself
god my neighbors are weird and kinda creepymowing my lawn a bit ago today and all i keep seeing is basically this but with two men not one lol like if you're going to be weird and just keep looking at me, the least you can do is offer to help why do i always have the weirdest neighbors?... See More » (1)
How is this okay? only good thing about this is the comment section and the amount of dislikes this now has (1)
I am not one for politics especially American politics but there is a bit of hypocrisy going aroundI have not hid the fact that I am a fan of Joe Rogan at all. I think his podcast is great for free speech and hearing other peoples opinions when they are not your own. My issue is this whole cancel culture thing going on and the people who mostly... See More »
do you like video games and if so, what are some of your favorites?I am not the biggest video game player but I do play some from time to time. I am excited though that this month is giving me a reason to turn my ps5 back on, due to A new Horizon Forbidden west game and Elden Ring. Also have been convinced to get a... See More »
How did Australia get to this point?this is absurd and no real rational logic behind it. Can buy whatever you like in there but if you want alcohol you need to provide proof of vaccination? ummm wtf? (1)
ewwwwwwwwwwwOMG just found the creepiest thing ever online. So there are tongue eating parasites that will eat a fishes tongue and basically take the tongues place It is crazy what type of things in the ocean. puts some real perspective in our lives i think.... See More » (1)
I am just going to say it - (volume 2)I am bored and thought may as well be blunt and honest again about something a certain bunch of men have now And before I say it, I know I have no real business saying so since I am sporting poodle hair lol but men please stop doing this (4)
are dating sites or apps any good?Might be a tad lonely lately and well I feel I am ready to move on from my ex and maybe find someone to be with. Never tried online dating type things before. So are they any good? (1)
I am just going to say itit is really weird when men on here offer to buy you VIP like what do you want in return and do girls actually accept that? very strange to me
If a movie was made about you and you could pick the actor or actress to play you, who would you pick?I think i would pick Julia Garner. She is much prettier but we both have curly blond hair lol also what type of movie would you want it to be? A romantic comedy sounds good for me i think 😬 one can dream anyway lol (1)
Mental illness is not trendy or cool to haveSeems to be a lot of people online and in person who fake mental illnesses now and think it is some cool label to attach to themselves. Tik Tok is flooded with it and yeah when you actually have a real mental illness, It does not make you trendy or... See More »
If you're in a debate with someoneand have to resort to bringing up the other persons mental illness and using that as a way to discredit them, I am sorry but you already lost that debate and also just shows how scummy you really are just saying 🤷♀️