Cierzo · M
I was tempted to say Chistralia, but China is more free than many western countries now.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Cierzo wouldn't surprise me
@Cierzo may as well call us South China

Just my theory, but maybe it's to say... we won't let you starve but we won't let you have the extras that might make you a happier person.
I'm kinda seeing this like the idea the unvaccinated won't be allowed to enter restaurants, go to public events/games, etc...
Reminding the unvaccinated they are naughty and don't get to do all the fun stuff.
I'm kinda seeing this like the idea the unvaccinated won't be allowed to enter restaurants, go to public events/games, etc...
Reminding the unvaccinated they are naughty and don't get to do all the fun stuff.
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@ZashaKitty I think many will choose to shop where they are not singled out and separated.
I find it interesting that most have no issue with denying things to unvaccinated but get really upset when a business or two deny service to the vaccinated. lol I just saw it as a way to make sure nobody is left out completely since the vaccinated don't want to mix with the terrible unvaccinated.
I find it interesting that most have no issue with denying things to unvaccinated but get really upset when a business or two deny service to the vaccinated. lol I just saw it as a way to make sure nobody is left out completely since the vaccinated don't want to mix with the terrible unvaccinated.
@SW-User the vending machines where I work don't give change because of some coin shortage.

@SooperSarah It's just not happening at all stores here. Only one seems to post a notice and not want to give change.
AbbySvenz · F
They want to sell Corona, not give it away
Madmonk · M
Well just buy sugar and yeast and corn from them.
I always thought Australia was cool. Like if I couldn’t live here I’d like Australia to be my home. But the government you currently have in place is batshit
I always thought Australia was cool. Like if I couldn’t live here I’d like Australia to be my home. But the government you currently have in place is batshit
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Madmonk lol start making moonshine
the government here is insane. Trust me Australia has pretty much sucked for 2 years now due to them
the government here is insane. Trust me Australia has pretty much sucked for 2 years now due to them
NerdyPotato · M
Okay, that makes no sense.
Iwillwait · M
Kodel · 26-30, M
They just want to make sure you're not going to put Covid in our alcohol system. 🤣
Kodel · 26-30, M
@ZashaKitty Exactly. They can take our food but not our booze. 😁
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Kodel why not just have to show proof of vaccination at door? why just if you want alcohol? it makes no sense haha
Kodel · 26-30, M
@ZashaKitty Very little that goes on with the bug these days makes sense. Honestly, I reckon we all just need to move on with our lives. We have a new flu. Whoop dee doo. We'll all get it eventually. Let's just all be personally responsible and stay home if we're sick, but beyond that, let's lose all the pseudo-political crap and get on with life. Like it was fun (no it wasn't) while it lasted but I honestly reckon it'll be healthier for the whole of society if we all just move on.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Maybe they don't want their employees dying from a horrible and highly-communicable disease? If liquor store employees are as underpaid as they are here in the Etats Unis maybe they just don't have any to spare.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@hunkalove its a supermarket not a liquor store. You buy groceries from there and there is a alcohol section that is not closed off from the rest of the store, so your theory is incorrect
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@ZashaKitty Liquor store or supermarket are both bottom of the barrel jobs here and employees in both have been dying. I'm not incorrect, and the post was about alcohol sales.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@hunkalove no this post is about absurd rules. You can go in the store and buy anything you want and no proof of vaccine is needed unless you buy alcohol. Where is the logic behind that?
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Not sure
Pfuzylogic · M
Australia is crack a lackin down.
When they kicked Djokovic out of the Australian Open that became obvious to me.
When they kicked Djokovic out of the Australian Open that became obvious to me.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic people have lost their minds here
Australia is what happens when freedom hating liberals take over
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Stargazer89 pretty much
@ZashaKitty Labor are just as bad. We have CCP bootlicking Dannochio as the premier of Victoria
Makes sense. What better way to get people vaccinated then by saying they can't feed their addiction.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@canusernamebemyusername at only one store that has really not much alcohol? lol yeah they are really showing those unvaccinated people

On one hand, if it was anything in the store, that'd make sense... But on the other, why JUST booze? That's... Confusing. 🤔
rachelsj · 22-25, F
Messed up
ididntknow · 51-55, M
The world economic forum,
@ididntknow don’t forget Schwab
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@BalladOfADeadSoulja He’s the head of the world economic forum
makes sense
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@mysteryespresso you might be the only one to think so
@ZashaKitty if i was the only person your government wouldn't have made this rule. to the government it makes complete sense.
try to think like them and it will make sense to you
try to think like them and it will make sense to you
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@mysteryespresso try to think like them? yeah no thanks
Fluffybull · F
😆😆😆😆😆😆Bonkers!!!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤡

What a weird stipulation.
[image/video deleted]

TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
That anger from tyrant who dont like ppl not lining up for needles
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout who is the tyrant?
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@ZashaKitty whomever the state premier is. My bet is WA?
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout bingo. He’s more sociopathic than Danocchio.
Lostpoet · M
That's insane
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@zashakitty] 🤷♂️ why that is simply crazy and makes no logical sense
When the Nuremberg 2.0 takes effect, I’ll be in front row centre while these Tyrannical leaders feet dangle in the air swinging from trees.
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