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I am done with DM's

I am so over it and the expectations people put on you here if you dont reply to them when they want.
I am tired of seeing the gross perverted messages people send me and no matter how many times you block people, the messages keep coming. I have told people over and over again here that I do not check DM"s much anymore and I am not avoiding those I consider friends here but instead those who are gross people.

But of course people get angry over it and act like you are not a friend to them if you don't reply to their messages despite not even seeing them and they soon enough write in public acting like they are betrayed and victims.

Its all so tiring and just shows you truly don't know who people are when on this site.

So yeah final time I shall say this but I am not ever responding to any DM's ever again
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Magenta · F
Relatable. I find PM's exhausting.

[image/video deleted]
I’m not the one who can’t keep up 😌. Lol @Magenta
Magenta · F
@SW-User Stop stalking my replies!
🤦‍♂️ Not this again . I thought friending someone was part of following each other’s posts .. if you don’t like it and can’t take a joke please feel free to unfriendly friend.. @Magenta
matthewjames · 18-21, M
sometimes I get good ones but lots of times bad
So they're nice in DM and then mean in public? Talk about a conduct disorder lol.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@SinlessOnslaught no the opposite
@ZashaKitty Makes sense, that's even worse.
kawasaki · 26-30, F
I get 10 to 12 unsolicited dick pics a day. 🤦‍♀️
kawasaki · 26-30, F
@SW-User I know. There is a lot of abuse on this site.
Yup there is 😒. Just keep your finger on the block button , that’s about only advice I can recommend that works . @kawasaki
@kawasaki That's a lot...

I had no idea there were that many active users!

Oh, didn't say that they were DIFFERENT
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
The harassment and outright abuse that women experience on this site is horrifying. 😡
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@ServantOfTheGoddess it truly is
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I’m so glad someone said it
Borderline stalking and harassing you. Msg admins they can track their IP and hopefully ban them . It is against TOS for a blocked user to continue msging the person that blocked them from other accounts
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@PepsiColaP I think i just found a way to make sure no one can send my DM's anymore :)
I'm using the filters. Only people I respond to will be in my main message folder, the rest stay unanswered in the message request's folder and it appears after two unanswered messages they're blocked from messaging you anymore from that account. The thing is, if they get no reaction, they will drop you, and also the numbers of sock accounts messaging you will drop dramatically, at least to my experience.
Remmy · F
I haven't had a lot of problems with this yet (a few). I usually check profile and groups. If I don't like what I see I ignore them. In a few cases, I have responded and politely told them not interested, and they were fine with it.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Remmy glad you havent had so much a problem :)
Remmy · F
@ZashaKitty Probably shouldn't have said anything, but I have had some luck with polite no thank you's.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Remmy that is good though
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I get it. I don’t reply to many anymore for the same reason. I replied last week to someone I thought might be a friend but they got mad that I didn’t reply fast enough!!!!
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
He always consider anybody a bad friend when we don’t adhere to him at his beck and call. It’s frustrating. We have a life to live too. We can’t always be on here talking to him.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@TurtlePink sounds just about right. Sorry to hear you have experienced it also
Classified · M
If you don't respond to a DM here, they cannot send more than two messages and also not send liks or pictures.
You can also filter your direct messages by sending certain types into your requests instead of your inbox.
Classified · M
@ZashaKitty Yes, I think so too, otherwise they'll get into trouble by people reporting them. There is not much to be done against them making alt accounts, unless they contact you again and circumvent the block. Then they are reportable.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Classified I think with filtering the DM's that i just wont ever see any messages and I just wont ever look in there anymore.
The sad thing is I enjoyed talking to certain people in there and some were incredibly nice fun people but yeah hopefully they still like to chat in public
Classified · M
@ZashaKitty Hopefully then yes. 😃
I hope you are well. Just wanted to say that. Light and love. 🖤
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@JustGoneNow thank you. I am okay, how are you?
@ZashaKitty 🖤🤗
Teslin · M
What is the difference between a DM and a PM?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Teslin They both mean the same thing, Direct Message and Private Message, people seem to use them interchangeably here.
Kevin19 · 22-25, M
You seem cool. Sorry DMs didn’t work out for you!
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Kevin19 thank you :)
Kevin19 · 22-25, M
@ZashaKitty of course! Have a great rest of today!
Fluffybull · F
I don't blame you. I'm getting tired of ones that start off quite civilised and talk about music, films, etc then turn creepy as if I'm too stupid to realise where they're heading. 🙄
DaddyThomas · 46-50, MVIP
Just keep reporting and blocking them. Maybe you’ll meet someone nice here in the end🌻
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@DaddyThomas thank you. This message helped a lot once I wrote it. I also changed settings on private messages here, so I can't see a lot of messages now unless I am friends with them first.
DaddyThomas · 46-50, MVIP
@ZashaKitty that’s wise. I’ve to look into that also. I’m getting some weird messages from time to time.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@DaddyThomas it makes this place more tolerable for sure.
LadyJ · F
Yes the filth is phenomenal
LadyJ · F
@Fluffybull Yeah I've seen those kind too..😂🤣
Fluffybull · F
@LadyJ I've just changed the "about me" message on my profile to make it 😆😆😆😆😆
LadyJ · F
@Fluffybull 😂🤣..good for you!
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Block mute delete and ignore are great features to clean up trash.
Mktonght · 61-69, M
Sadly, rude is the nature of our culture today.
Some of us truly are saddened by other nature.
Pfuzylogic · M
Sorry to hear you are getting burdened with the direct messages. Reminds me of the story of the guy that tried to make you his girlfriend when you moved into your new place. Most girls here that are young and attractive have some guards to keep at bay the annoying persons that message them.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic I don't think my neighbour tried to make me his girlfriend, He was just really creepy and saying really creepy things but thanks

I had a deep conversation going with someone and was composing a longer response, but got blocked...apparently I didn't reply quickly enough.

You never know.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I totally agree with you
@Jenny1234 I've never sent you pics of my boobs though...🤔
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@SW-User nor I to you of my penis lol
@Jenny1234 So long as yours isn't bigger than mine, we're good
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
He does the same thing to me too. This why I made this post
Adstar · 56-60, M
With your age and gender 22-25 F you like a lot of other people with similar age and gender will attract a LOT of degenerates / perverts on any site like this one.. I don't blame young woman for hiding their age or even stating they are way older then they are in an attempt to avoid the sleazebags who are looking out for young woman members..

I know some woman identify themselves as Males in an attempt to avoid that kind of attention..

It's sad you are giving up DM's as an avenue for communication but it is fully understandable..
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Adstar makes sense but yeah I was constantly warned about DM's when I joined here and i should have listened to them right away and done something about it
Adstar · 56-60, M
@ZashaKitty Well i hope your experiences here improve Zasha.. good luck 👍
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Adstar thank you. In public things are so much easier and better here, so i shall just enjoy that :)
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Aww right good to know sorry you have been having it soo bad in your DMs 🥺💔💔
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@QuietEd2019 not from you though. You have always been one of the few who have been really nice to chat with :)
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@ZashaKitty thank you honey you are soo lovely 🥰
Frankie13 · 46-50, M
So sad for the nice genuine people 😔
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Frankie13 yeah:(
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
He’s also the reason why I had to make this post
I hardly talk via PM's .
Very tiring job .
Welcome to social media. You're right. It's particularly bad here.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
You’re looking out for yourself
That’s awesome
Sometimes it’s best
Hahaha the guy you blocked posted bout it
@deadgerbil hes like whiny i can hear it when i read the post its like waaaaaah like me please like me please
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@TryingtoLava I know
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deadgerbil · 26-30
I saw a series of posts before of this guy going off about someone being a backstabber and how friendship was lost. Was that related to this?
deadgerbil · 26-30
@ZashaKitty that's good. Blocking is the best recourse for some people on here as they are incorrigible. They always have some sort of excuse as to why they act like that
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@deadgerbil its the victim act that really bothers me personally
deadgerbil · 26-30
@ZashaKitty esp when they make posts and don't offer the full context and then others, who offer compassion, might fall down the rabbit hole of believing what's being said by someone playing the victim.

I'm so glad my friends on here don't cause this bs drama lol
Adjust your message settings block and report that’s all you can do it’s the internet after all 🤷🏾‍♂️
Lol it’s amazing to see some of the horse shit some people come up with 🤣

My favourite are the people who expect you to respond seconds after sending you a msg. 😌🤌
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Teggy or the ones who get jealous and angry when you talk to others that are not them
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Sorry :(
I don't send pm's myself, unless it is a matter of life or death. That is the biggest problem with SW, the ability to harrass and bully in private. Just move on
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I did discover, though, that you can find anything posted on public postings through a Google search, while it send the PMs are not.
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
Im sorry you had to go through that 😔
I wish i could have messaged you before and make you realise this sooner. Enjoy the time here tho 😄
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It seems to be a common problem for young women on this site.

Ya know, it's totally up to you, but you might want to change your demographic info from female in your 20's to something else...I can assure you as an old man, I very VERY rarely get any sort of sexual provocations in DM...the worst is usually butthurt crybabies who didn't like something I said to them in the public forum.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Keepitsimple Yes. Thank you. That's a helpful clarification, and I don't doubt your experiences for a second.

I am sorry you ladies have to deal with this, it seems to be a common problem and I am not sure of a simple solution.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
@SumKindaMunster Cant do anything about it but privately we warn each other.
Fluffybull · F
@Keepitsimple Agree. I hide my age and my profile pic is hardly provocative 😆
DeeBee · M
Oh i see why now,understandable,It's a pity that some people ruin that for you as not everyone is perverted and needy,cheers.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@DeeBee yep I hate that some ruined it because I did enjoy talking to people in DM's and getting to know them but yeah just had so many bad experiences and it was making me hate this place. Still a huge reason on why I am not more active here anymore and just come on every now and again
michelle44 · 56-60, F
gosh , i didnt realise they can message after you block them , glad i read this
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@michelle44 I assume they have many accounts because i keep getting a lot of the same messages but different accounts
michelle44 · 56-60, F
@ZashaKitty i didnt think of that !
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@michelle44 just a theory but one that makes the most sense to me
People for whatever reason get weird here.... snnnnff
@ZashaKitty People right now are often lonely... but who cares about the whys.

You are an equal person who deserves respect.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@SW-User I understand that and truly sorry to those who are.
@ZashaKitty You don't need to be sorry. And you should only connect with people who you feel offer something.
496sbc · 36-40, M
Sorry love. ill
miss u alot
do what you have to girl, you don’t owe anyone anything and it’s okay. you come first. 🖤

this is why 95% of the messages i receive are deleted instantly. unless i interact with someone in public, i am not reading it, or responding.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Do they really get mad?
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@ZashaKitty that's weird
Mikeawesome1986 · 36-40, M
@MyNameIsHurl Welcome to the Internet, where everyone's entitled.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@Mikeawesome1986 thanks, Ive never been formally welcomed 😃
I bet most of the dudes simping here are the same dudes DMing you. 😂
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@SmileOnYourBrother who is simping?
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Those accounts are horrendously rude and worthy of ignoring. It’s a reason why I almost never message anyone here.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
It's amazing how people allow others here to take their joy away while on this site. The more neutral you are the better. Never give them that power over you. But it is what it is. Do what makes you feel better.

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