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sorry everyone

I am sorry to everyone that has been bombarded with my depressing posts as of lately. I hate being so negative all the time and enjoyed just having fun and writing and talking about lite hearted stuff.
I feel like I have been stuck in this hospital for so long now and it's hard to think of anything but what is wrong with me. In psych wards it's as if you are not a person and instead you are just your illness and it's really hard to get out of that frame of mind when every day, all day its shoved in your face.

around 2 months in here and I am still not given any clue when they will free me. I feel like they won't ever let me leave and I am losing myself more and more as the days go on. This is basically a diary type thingy for me here because they can't read this like they do in my books I write in when I am not in my room.
Anyway, I think this will be the last thing I write for a fair while, I just want to be me again and I cannot do that now and I don't want to be seen like this.
Maybe this isn"t making much sense but anyway.
Thank you for everyone who has been so kind and supportive to me on here. You guys rock.
Maybe later in the future some time I will come back on here and will be myself again and be a lot better to talk to.
Hope everyone stays safe and thank you again ❤️
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
hos it gotten any better? Haven't seen you around for a while
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@ZashaKitty YAY!!!
Yeah, not bad - we even got some snow in Florida.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
@Pretzel that sounds really nice. How long did it snow for?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@ZashaKitty it was weird - it snowed for a few hours - got us about 10 inches of snow and lasted 3 or 4 days - now remember this is Florida - we have palm trees here. It closed down schools for the week since we don't have snow removal equipment.

Then two weeks later it was shorts weather. and now it below freezing :)
Pfuzylogic · M
Totally understand
You can’t be yourself when your environment is controlled by others.
Smile when you can.
It will make them wonder what is going on! 😌
I write about my health, everyone looks on to someone elses post. And it's about the same thing. They copy everything I do. I have someone scolding me over my shoulder. I have no food in my house but I don't complain do I? This comment will be seen as a problem and I'll be ignored in my time of need
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No need to apologise. That is what this place is for. If you want to moan or need support then you go for it
496sbc · 36-40, M
Hey hope ur ok its been over 2 years since we chatted. I hope u will get better Zash
Wishing you light and love. Be well. 🖤

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