A lot of you lost your virginity to mental patients, prisoners and gay people pretending to be straight๐ฌ
Did you know evil/crazy people were nice/same people that have pushed too far? Like the the common saying goes can't beat them join them or fight fireFire with fire or it takes a snake to get rid of another snake.
My ex boyfriend went to rehab and had CPS remove his kids from him. I never experienced that so Iโm the better person out of the two right?
If a woman isn't arguing with you or doesn't seem obsessive over you anymore she no longer have feelings for you so you should be happy when sheBehave this way because it means you matter to her and her showing jealousy means she loves you so don't feel weird about her and these emotions it's a good sign.
A lot of people don't believe in magic but they do it all the time, I meet people who are ugly in pictures but pretty in person, pretty in picturesUgly in person, short in pictures, tall in person, dumb online, and intelligent in person. What sorcery is that???
One of my guy friends keep telling me I don't understand true friendship and that I don't understand him just randomly when we have conversations. IsHe just being weird because I don't act rude with him or anything.
Do people have to earn your trust and prove themselves of being worthy in your life? Thatโs how I am I never settle for less.
If a guy asks you your age, if you have kids, and if you own your own car because he can hire you for his catering business. Is he trying to flirt?
If a coworker of yours kept asking you how are you liking your new job and offer to cook you fresh chicken nuggets instead of the ones that have beenSitting there a while, would you think they like you?
If you told your boss about a problem and he fixed it for you then winked their eye at you and said if it happens again come see me, what would youThink?๐
Do you have someone trying to hide their feelings from you? I have this guy friend who said I should stop posting sexy pictures online for everyone toSee because it's childish then I asked him later if he had a girlfriend and she posted sexy pictures would he consider it cheating? He replied yes, do you sense what I sense?๐ฎ
Do you attract a bunch of people you can't date too? I only attract stoners, married men, and nutcases I suck lmao๐
I learned different things about different apps/websites, Similar Worlds has sober perverts that are middle class, Reddit has rich weedhead perverts,Facebook has old foreign perverts or perverts from poor countries and scammers, Instagram has escorts disguised as models and Snapchat has underage kids pretending to be adults.