Why should people be forced or encouraged to go with someone we’re not attracted too.I can’t stand love or being convinced or pushes into dating. My friends said there’s a guy that’s interested and they found him for me and my guy friend likes me. It’s too much pressure! Why would any guy want to go out with me? My guy friend’s... See More »
My sister really hit me on the head with real love….(warning LONG RANT)So earlier today I was sitting outside talking to my sister and how I’m never going to find the right guy. Also how my crush (let’s call him Devin) lied to me about having to work when he is going out with another girl. And my guy friend (Let’s call... See More »
Valentine disappointment…..💔So yesterday I was getting ready for our valentines date and as I was just about ready, my crush (let’s call him Devin) immediately cancelled on me. Like straight up cancelled on me! Our date was supposed to be at 5pm and 10 minutes before he... See More »
My date cancelled out Valentine Date!He said he had to work later and take care of his mom. Now what am I going to do? My guy friend just texted me (the one that has a crush on me). I haven’t texted him back. What do I do?
It’s mean but sometimes it’s the only way for people to understand. Give them a taste of their own medicine (1)
Why do parents or caregivers think they have the right to interfere with their children’s love lifeIf their teenagers fine but if we’re adults, LEAVE US ALONE.
My crush hasn’t texted me back since last night. I hope our Valentine date tomorrow is still onSo I texted my crush (let’s call him Devin) last night to see if our Valentine date is still in for tomorrow. He didn’t respond back so I though he’ll text back in the morning. It’s like after 5pm and he STILL hasn’t texted me back YET! I’m not... See More »
Are 1984 babies the same generations as babies born in 1996 because they’re all in the millennial categoryI mean someone born in 1984 is 12 years older than someone born in 1996. How would they even be in the same generation? They’re childhood and high school years are different. 1984 babies graduated from high school in 2002/2003 depending on their... See More »
What age do people shrink height?I heard adults shrink as they get older. My dad was 5’6” but he shrunk to I think 5’4. He thought I grew to like 6’2 but I was only 6’0 at the time. I’m 6’1”. I don’t know about my mom was 6’2 but she abandoned us and she’s also deceased. My... See More »
I think my boyfriend and I are just about finished…..Four days ago my boyfriend got the job and he texted me. I said congratulations and when does he start. He took a while back to text back and he said tomorrow. He started his new job two days ago and I texted him, “Hey baby I am so proud of you.... See More »
Can someone help me with this situation?https://similarworlds.com/relationships/dating/5215425-My-best-friend-just-s-nagging-me-to-death-to-break-up-with
My best friend just s nagging me to death to break up with my boyfriend? He needs meSo the day after the job interview, my boyfriend (let’s call him Evan) texted me that he got the job and he started yesterday and I’m so happy for him. I said congratulations but he didn’t respond to me. I haven’t heard from him since Tuesday. I... See More »
People that say Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday are singleI mean you’re just bitter and jealous. When someone mentions Valentines Day you groan or get annoyed with it. Come on! Love is in the air! If someone is attracted to you or ask you out, GO FOR IT! If that person you’re looking for has been right in... See More »
My guy friend won’t speak to me after our huge fight five days agoFive days ago, my guy friend (let’s call him Eddy) texted me and told me he just saw Evan (my boyfriend that’s not his real name, but said that due to privacy) with another girl and sent me a photo. He was at a store. He took a picture of this back... See More »
My best friend and I got into a heated argument because she thinks I’m being naive about my boyfriend! WtfSo my boyfriend and I went on a date four or five days ago and it was romantic. My best friend things he only asked me to go on a date so I can pay and I’ve been paying for mostly every date and I’m too blind to see it. I told her he has been having... See More »
My grandma passed away December 29, 2024.I have no more grandparents. No more weekly visits with my grandma anymore. 💔 At least she isn’t suffering anymore. She was 82 She had dementia and died from that and old age. She didn’t make it to the new year. She is reunited with the love of her... See More »
Donald Trump is back in the office! Let’s go!!! 😀😀😀😀😀😀Make America great again! People keep saying he’s an idiot and America is in trouble! Trump is just an honest man and the people that are in prison will be getting out and staying their truth! People are just angry because Trump speaks the truth... See More »
Why don’t girls and women notice a good guy that’s been there the whole time?Like they’re clueless and obsessed over bad guys or their crush’s that didn’t care and complain that there’s no good guys around when there’s one right in front of them! Even their friends and family knows.
Can someone help me with this (link)https://similarworlds.com/friends/guys-girls-just-friends/5207457-My-guy-friend-and-I-got-into-a-fight-and-I-said-something
My guy friend and I got into a fight and I said something hurtfulEarlier today, my guy friend (let’s call him Eddy) texted me and told me he just saw Evan (my boyfriend that’s not his real name, but said that due to privacy) with another girl and sent me a photo. He was at a store. He took a picture of this back... See More »
My guy friend just texted me saying he saw my boyfriend with another girl!So I’m currently getting ready for my date with my boyfriend (let’s call him Evan) and I’m already set. My guy friend (let’s call him Eddy) texted me and told me he just saw Evan with another girl and sent me a photo. He’s at the store. He just took... See More »