If your s.o. stopped calling you baby...does that mean they are trying to tell you something.What would you think
Why would a guy go quiet online when youre trying to reach out to him as hes been stalking you?Im sorry yall lol
How do i know if a guy is ignoring me because he hates me or ignoring me because he likes me.Goodness
What does it take to become an influencer?What do people like? I want to become an influencer i need money and i feel like my life is sort of interesting 😅
Why do you think certain people get laughed at or bullied?Ive been a social butterfly all my life. I did what i wanted, asked out boys (always got rejected) i realized a few years ago that i didnt have much self awareness. My best mate from high school said every guy wanted me but no one asked me out. But... See More »
Why did his gf post a puzzle piece?I wished my ex best friend happy birthday. And then i posted on my story "looking for my missing puzzle piece to my heart" then his gf posted a picture of her and my ex bestfriend...with a caption of the puzzle piece.. what is she trying to say?
Do you believe in tarot? Horoscopes?I found a lady online..on youtube. Shes scary accurate. Ive been watching her for over a year. Her stories are so accuarate with me and a guy i love. I found out he watches her too. I saw him in her comments.
What is everyone talking about project blue beam. Are we in the ends of times? Rapture? Help im scared