Do you think the guy who did this should be executed? I think we should bring back the death penalty for cases like this.
What's wrong with these shoes?I saw a question about a cute comfortable pair of white shoes and I posted this pair but it was deleted. Thinking it had simply failed to post I posted it again and it was deleted again. It seems as though the poster of the question doesn't like... See More » (1)
Why are people who believe in horoscopes often targeted by trolls on Q&A websites?Why can't non-believers have a live-and-let-live attitude towards it instead of using it as an excuse to act like assholes?
Why do some people turn into nasty trolls when we correct their grammar or spelling?Why can't they accept being corrected in a civilised manner?
In the song "My Guy" by Mary Wells, does she mean "My man" or "My partner of unspecified gender"?I say she means "My man", but some argumentative troll refused to say which was the correct meaning in a comment thread yesterday so I'm posting it as a question now. CIVILISED AND LOGICAL ANSWERS ONLY, PLEASE. Any trollish answers will be deleted... See More »
Why do people have to be so rude to me instead of helping me to straighten out misunderstandings on SW?
On the fourth day of Christmas, is it four calling birds or four colly birds?I've seen both versions printed. I always sang "calling birds" when I was little. What is a colly bird anyway?
Why are certain comments now hidden when the questions containing the same words aren't?Where is the black-and-white logic in that?