How come the republican supporters are not upset about the new tariff war?That is something that will cost us ALL if tariffs actually go through. Even if it does bring jobs back to America, do you really relish the thought of paying even more for things that are overpriced? Some think, "At first it may cost more but... See More »
Target is trying to play both side of the fence with this DEI stuff now that another boycott starts.First they sell LGBT clothes for kids. Then they roll back DEI policies. Well NOW, they are trying to create a "sense of belonging". They are trying to appease the extreme Left and the extreme Right at the same time. 😄 Here is a link to the... See More »
Forget Trump rebuilding Gaza, because now Onijah wants to rebuild Pakistan.Yeah even with that name, she is American. You can see in the video, around 30 seconds is when she claims Pakistan needs to be reconstructed the right way. With her demands, she thinks she is still in the USA. The faces of the Pakastanians say all... See More » (1)
Target announces scaleback of DEI.Not long ago, weren't they big supporters of DEI, LGBT? It's just funny how quickly companies flip flop with their support. Of course some anti-DEI people will be proudly shopping there in support, forgetting what happened yesteryear... What they... See More »
When did this bull start?A friend on here and I were joking around about something and this comes up. (1)
Trump supposedly said he will save tiktok, but wasn't he wanting it banned in the first place?I do not get what his logic is here. He doesn't have to earn votes anymore so why bother acting like a hero? By the time this post shows up for anyone, tiktok will probably be back anyways... Also, given the short attention spans of tiktok addicts,... See More »
I am going to impose tariffs on SW gifts.And my SW opponents will be jailed. I will also deport people who are on my profile illegally. I am going to stop the wars between members on here. I will cut useless SW spending on things like SW coins. I will fill my clique with C'estManan... See More »
Listen creepy weirdos who KEEP trying to PM chat, this is how pretty I am.Just f*cking stop, okay? For the rest of you, I am sorry you had to see this. (1)
Since a few weeks ago, the catfish and flirtacious men have become more aggressive.Seems so. Maybe I didn't notice before? But yeah, more catfish and more men sending me PMs. What happened? Like they all came out of the woodwork at once.
American media is stup*d.There was a story in my phone's feed about a local man who got shot. He was pronounced d3ad on the scene. Anyways it goes on to identify the victim and said the coroner would determine the exact cause and manner of his d3ath. I think I know how he... See More »
What bizarre things go on in your bedroom at night?The things you would not want to bring up during christmas dinner.
An Alzeimer patient walks into a bar...He sees a lady, walks up to her and says, "So, do I come here often?" HUUU HU HU HU HU HU HU
So at some tRump rally, someone fainted so during their rescue, music was played.I have to ask, was the music by Taylor Swift?
How come people freak out when yet another "Dollar store" is struggling?Those places are ghetto anyways. They are not even much cheaper than a real store. Most of them are in bad enough shape to look like a fever dream. You go some place like Big Lots and it is the worst of the worst. Grocery aisle has stuff like... See More »
Why do some people take selfies where their phone is hiding their face?Maybe not on here but on some social media. But yeah what is even the point? What, instead of trying to go through all the trouble of using all the filters on their phone, they just used the entire phone to hide their appearance?
So tRump apparently wrote "I hate taylor swift" on his stup*d platform.If he wanted to connect with a nation, he should have said, "I hate Nickelback". I mean THERE is a statement we could all get behind. Heck we might even, (God help me for saying this), have just a LITTLE more respect for him at that point. 🤣
You know those smart refrigeraters that have a screen so you can see what is inside?If there isn't anything good to eat anyways, do you think people open the door anyways just to double check? Can't you just hear someone angrily saying, "There isn't anything good to eat in this g*d d*mn house!" Then Alexa says, "Well now, who's... See More »
If tRump loses in November...Are they going to be selling tee shirts showing the look on his face, like they did when he was arrested? God help me for this but if that does happen, it will a piece of tRump merchandise I will be glad to own.
I am at some restaurantAnd there is some super duper fat Mexican lady at another table. I cannot help but wonder if she needed 2 passports to come to America.
If some people will be monetized...Does that mean half the members, especially the selfie wh*res, are going to be constantly asking for patreon donations, likes, subscribes, check out their other umpteen social sites, trying to sell you everything under the sun, I understand why the... See More »
Have you ever seen someone's pics on here and thought..."They look way different than what I imagined."
Weird dream about this site, two members dating.I was in some kind of work place and two members off here were there and were dating. One was Lopez, the guy who often makes fat jokes. The lady was the one who some call "Wion" Anyways, for some reason I wasn't happy about their relationship. In... See More »