Exposing another catfish on here:This “girl” called “Mandy” sent me a selfie Of a girl called Candice Miranda Scott pretending to be her . If I expose one catfish , it won’t change the reality of this site however I’ll keep on exposing every catfish that comes my way. If... See More » (2)
I had a dream in my sleep this dude was warning me about a girl whos a catfish cause he was talking to this online & found out she was fake lol🤣
There’s a catfish called Subalugirl. Be careful, they are after money and if you even gently point out they are using stolen pics they get nasty fast.Reported them. But when did that ever do anything?
Was this response too harsh for a catfish attempt by “EmpressNatalie?”“How do you like catfish prepared? I like to stab them in the face.”