Your Memory is Alive Within MeMy Heart Aches with loneliness, and I long for the comfort of familiar surroundings. I’ve stared too long into the abyss of grief and it’s made me realize who I truly miss. Grief comes in waves. It sometimes wanes, but it’s always there. Why... See More »
A poem called "Reminder"Every time I think I’m over you… Your name and face pop up, and I’m reminded I’m only suppressing my grief. The constant crying went from relief to stress. And I cannot rest. I think it goes without saying that I wish you were still... See More »
Stolen Souls...It’s only been a week, and they are already trying to pretend you never existed. They let your memory fade with no resistance. I promise you you won’t be forgotten by me. Never mind those whose souls are already rotten You... See More »
Anger+Pain......Right now, I’m just looking for reasons to hate you… So I don’t have to love you… So I don’t have to feel this pain anymore. But by all accounts, you were a pure-hearted person caught up in darkness. I’m not just crying because... See More »
For people who used to be frequent Yahoo Answers users, what was your favorite time period?For me, it was from 2007 until 2013. They changed everything after that. Did you used to hang out in the Polls and Surveys section as well?
I thought that I'd enjoy TikTok....But the more I watch videos on that app, the more I find that the content there does not appeal to me. I mean, if you like videos where 99 percent of content creators love jump cuts and use them so liberally that you have no idea what's going on in... See More »
Did Similar Worlds get rid of the cool feature where if you post something about a hoilday, it would decorate your post for you?For Easter, it would be grass. I remember that. Or does Valentine's Day not have a decoration? Not even little hearts?
Have you seen any Super Bowl commercials that you've enjoyed so far?I just have it on as background, so I haven't been paying attention to the game or the adverts.
Do you remember when every day used to have its own identity?I remember when Fridays used to feel like Fridays. It had an identity to it. You could feel it. Sundays especially used to feel unique. Everything slowed down, you woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs in the morning, and traffic was at a crawl.... See More »
So, what's going on with Kayne West on X lately?Has he gone insane, or is he playing a character? I can't imagine that these X posts are good for business.
Is it just me, or is this website a ghost town lately?I feel like it's been this way for a few years.
Is anyone going out for Halloween tomorrow night or just staying in?For me, it depends on the weather.
Does anyone remember when street lights used to give off that cozy orange light?Such a wonderful ambiance and now they all have that cold, harsh light that just gives me anxiety.
Has anyone noticed that people are increasingly replacing the term "Halloween" with "Spooky Season" instead?I started noticing that a little last season, but I've really noticed it a lot more this season. I am just wondering if anyone has noticed the same and wondered why. Thanks
Does anyone know of any good fun fitness apps that come with challenges?I tried using MapMyRun/MapMyWalk Fitness App but they haven't updated any new challenges and it's kinda getting boring. Any ideas? Thanks!
Going grocery shopping, at least for me, used to be fun...It used to be a relaxing experience, but something happened in the last few years and now it seems more like a headache than anything else. Stores seem to make it impossible for things to be streamlined. Walmart specifically has made it so only... See More »
Is it just my computer or did they enlarge the font on here recently?Do they think we all have poor eyesight?
What gives you so much nostalgia it's painful?I was looking up the old Yahoo homepage from when I used to frequent it back in 2008 and I would give anything to be able to click on the old "Answers" tab again. ANYTHING.
The term "troll" has been watered down.Back in the day, it used to mean someone who stirred up crap for fun but didn't mean anything serious by it. Now troll just means someone who disagrees with someone else. I can have an opinion, and someone else can say something different, and... See More »
In your opinion, how old does one have to be before they can start using the phrase, "Back in my day"I am in my middle 30's and I catch myself saying it sometimes.