wish there was a way to contact old yahoo friends like thiswho remembers yahoo answers? well this post was from so long ago, around 2012 i think, but if you read his post, he is in dire straits, i knew this guy back then on yahoo answers he was one of my contacts/ followers....but its so long ago that he... See More » (1)
For people who used to be frequent Yahoo Answers users, what was your favorite time period?For me, it was from 2007 until 2013. They changed everything after that. Did you used to hang out in the Polls and Surveys section as well?
What happened to the famous internet character, Nathan on Yahoo Answers with his Uncle Bruce, after Yahoo Answers closed?
do you also wish similar worlds had more of a community feel, just like yahoo answers used to havethe sense of people looking out for your posts and answering them? on here you can go long periods of time without anyone answering your posts and it can feel a bit hopeless, trying to get people to pay attention to your posts...where as yahoo... See More »
does anyone remember yahoo answers and miss iti was quite popular on there had a lot of followers and loved the community on it, or the sense of community....some regarded me as a troll on there but i don't believe i was.
My new roommate always talks to herself and I hate that I keep on answering her, Dammit!I'll just probably wait for her to call my name.