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do you also wish similar worlds had more of a community feel, just like yahoo answers used to have

the sense of people looking out for your posts and answering them? on here you can go long periods of time without anyone answering your posts and it can feel a bit hopeless, trying to get people to pay attention to your posts...where as yahoo answers you had known regulars who would star your post and make the effort to answer your post and look out for your activity?

where as, that seems to lack here.....there are also many bots and fake accounts on this site, which on yahoo answers you had trolls but never had the bots or fake accounts.
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Magenta · F
Thank you for BC.
candycane · 36-40, F
That's usually why I leave for a while
darkmere1983 · 46-50, M
@candycane same here.

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