uncomfortableFrustrated. Just wanna hide this but cant now . nothing comfortable. glad able to be home rocking on all fours.
I hate morning sicknessI feel so tired rn. Just wanna sleep but can’t. Feel so sick and uncomfortable all the time.
I feel numb.... feeling disconnected from everything. like whatever is happening is unreal. I cant touch or feel reality somehow... strange feeling
When you desperately need to talk to a friend but no one is home…Selfish I know. It’s Saturday and everyone has exciting things to do and better places to be.
LonelinessI miss my mum so much today. Could do with her wisdom and advice but mostly her unconditional love.
OverwhelmedHit with exhaustion and nausea today. Feeling so emotional… like I’m just gonna burst into tears any minute… it’s horrible…. I don’t want to be ‘broken’
So confused and lostI have so many mixed feelings right now. It’s overwhelming. Sometimes I feel like a bad person for not being able to simply ‘be happy’
Wish my mom was here to talk toI feel like my head is going to explode. I really miss my mom. Wish she were here to talk to right now. To tell her how scared I am and to let her make things better. 🙁
I wish I had someone to talk through all this withI am so scare dan overwhelmed. I wish I had someone who understood what it is like to bring a baby into the world. Someone who I could tell how I really feel without being judged. Makes me sadder cause my mum isn't here any more to work through... See More »
Why do creepy guys keep messaging me?Yes I would love someone to talk to but not in that way. All I want is someone to be a friend.
I Am LonelyTonight I am sitting here feeling numb, Is it possible to not feel able to be around people but still feel alone?
I Miss My Mom So MuchI miss her so much. she died when I was 11 and now life is really tough and I wish I had someone like her to lean on. someone to listen and to tel method everything will be ok
I Dont Want To Go To School TomorrowI don't want to go back to school on Monday. I have so much work to catch up on before then and just don't have the energy to do it
I Feel Sleepy AlotThe last few weeks I have felt so tired and heavy. I don't know why. I find myself sleeping through the day - missing class and when I do get there struggling to focus on what is going on. When I wake I am able to get up for a few hours but then I am... See More »