I really feel itI often feel lonely, most people talk to me but only briefly and i dont exactly have friends to spend time with
ngl i feel so homesick sometimesevery single interaction i have irl comes from a place of survival and fitting in and it's exhausting. the only sincere laughter i've had in almost a year comes from remembering my friends before i moved. i miss them dearly. i miss living in... See More ยป
I feel so lonely, i have no one in my life right now.My fears of ending up alone and people disliking me or betraying me often come true. Idk what i am doing wrong, I'm not able to have stable relationships. I'm tired of being good to people, people only take advantage of my goodness. I only want to... See More ยป
the ache is far more deeper than words or tears, especially this time of year.there are no cards in my mailbox, the phone will not ring, nor will the doorbell. neighbors rush into the cars and leave without a glance or a wave. family will not invite me to their home, nor have they ever come to visit me in 35 years. do i... See More ยป
I feel like I'm just not ment to be loved .....I know it's sounds dumb and stupid but like honestly I don't think I've ever felt love or anything....my dad was abusive and I got taken away put into a children's home. Just found out my boyfriend was cheating on me and I don't really talk to any... See More ยป