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I wish mine was too. I lost her in January 😥
BreathingFreshAir · 18-21, F
So sorry for your loss. I feel broken inside too. Sending you lots of hugs@SW-User
@BreathingFreshAir Thanks, I'm sorry for your loss too 💖
BreathingFreshAir · 18-21, F
@SW-User thanks. She would have helped me through my pregnancy. This whole experience has left me feeling the void she left behind
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Feel for you. My mum passed away December last yr aged 82 and because of the covid situation I couldn't visit her for all of last yr. My dad passed away about 8 yrs ago. It feels wierd because my older kids all met my mum, but not my dad, and my gorgeous 4 y/o girl never got to meet mum. My 4 y/o's mum even met my mum a couple of times when we actually had a relationship going.
emptysoul44 · 46-50, M
me too
LadyJ · F
Me too 😔❤
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@soulftheearth] sorry to hear thinks look bleak but things do get better in time maybe slowly
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
All I can offer is my deepest sympathy and prayers. God be with you and comfort you.
I'm sorry she's not I hope you take comfort in knowing you're not alone
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
*Hugs* 🤗🤗🤗
Madmonk · M
Me too