Otilia - Prisionera(Don't know if it's adult content or not) PINNEDI don't understand a word.. But I love the music, the rhythm is awesome!! I think the language is Romanian. https://youtu.be/JuAbZX_KMwg Check out the remix as well : https://youtu.be/f8pQhvnBvqk
Proof of God (Part 1)Hello, everyone. I was thinking about making this series of posts about the proof of God's existence through logical reasoning. By starting this series, my goal, rather than trying to prove to Atheists that God exists, is to make some kind of... See More » (1)
Have you ever suffered from Hellophobia? You're too afraid of going to hell that it distracts you from your daily life.. I know that some people here are atheists.. But give it just a 1 percent probabilty that hell exists!! Then what? It's not fun to be burnt forever..
Some of the things which people always brag about but never do it..1)Freedom of speech 2)Democracy 3)Treat people how you want them to treat you 4) Everybody deserves love Almost everybody shout these things but never do it.. Only a few people really believe in it.
How do you prefer to treat people out of these three options?1.Treat people worse than how they treat you. 2.Treat people the same way they treat you. 3.Treat people better than how they trat you. And please explain what makes you choose that option!! I choose the second one.. The first one is completely... See More »
Getting hungry in the middle of the nightDo you also get hungry in the middle of the night? No matter how much I eat during the day, I just get hungry in the middle of the night!! And it is really frustrating when you go to the fridge and find nothing in there.... What the f-word is wrong... See More »
Have you ever heard of ASMR?I don't know if it's just me or you also have experienced that some people have a very relaxing voice when they are talking or even eating .. I mean the combination of those mouth sounds and words make it really relaxing.. I might look weird, but... See More »
What is this sickness called?Why is it that we care a lot about how other people think of us? What kind of monster is this? Where does it come from? When you are walking, you think everybody is going to judge how you walk.. When you are eating, you think everybody is going to... See More »
Who's bored at the moment!!? Come on in..Who likes to talk? I'm just bored and I thought it's a good idea to talk to somebody!! Who wants to have a chat?
What is the most important thing in life which can make you happy?For me, it's not money, the best car, the biggest house and the most luxurious life!! It's just about you accepting yourself, be self-confident and not caring about other people blaming you and making fun of you and just going ahead and improving... See More »
Let's genuinenly express our love...Why has it become so hard for people to express their love and interest to others? Let's just make it simple and tell our friends and family how much we love them. We need to stop being fake, acting arrogant and start expressing care and kindness... See More »
Have you ever watched the Lost tv series?What do you think about it?Who was your favorite personality in the movie and why was that?
Which language other than English do you think is more important to learn and will be most likely useful?
Do you feel depressed?!!Sometimes I feel like I am living for nothing.That I have no goal in my life and it's all useless!! Do you feel the same way?!!
What is your definition of "jealousy"?Do you define jealousy as the feeling which makes people not be happy for other's success and try to destroy their lives?!!Is it necessarily supposed to be accompanied by any action to prevent people from achieving success or the inner feeling of... See More »