Proof of God (Part 1)

Hello, everyone. I was thinking about making this series of posts about the proof of God's existence through logical reasoning. By starting this series, my goal, rather than trying to prove to Atheists that God exists, is to make some kind of challenge for myself. To make it easier, I have decided to post my ideas, step by step, in separate parts. I am trying to see how my ideas can be challenged, and then I will be off looking for answers to your questions and challenges, so that I can expand my knowledge about this. This is also a chance for you, to share your opinions, and see how you can debunk what I'm saying. So, please, just talk about what is being discussed in each separate part rather than wandering off to topics which will be discussed in the next parts. So, let's get started!!
I'm gonna start by talking about how things exist.
1.We know that anything that has come to existence, has a reason. Read it again!! "Anything that has come to existence", not "everything". That means anything that didn't exist at some point, and later came into existence. This has a reason!! And I guess that's obvious.
- We can never say "everything" has a reason, because then we have to answer the question "How do we know that everything has a reason? How can we even be sure that there isn't something that hasn't come to existence, on the contrary, it has existed since eternity and will exist forever, and coming to existence is totally meaningless when we talk about it".
2. Anything that has come to existence has a reason or cause, and this gives us three options.
A) It came into existence from nothing.
B) It is its own reason, meaning it has created itself.
C) There's some external cause that brought it into existence.
We are sure that out of the three options above, only C makes sense.
A can not be true. "Nothing" is nothing. There isn't anything so that something can come out of it. If we say something has come into existence from nothing, it already contradicts the concept of "nothingness", it's like saying "there's nothing, but at the same time, there's something so that another thing can come out of it into existence", which is obviously contradictory.
B can not be true. If we say something has created itself, then it means it has existed before itself so that it can bring itself into existence. This is nonsense!! You find yourself caught into a circular reasoning procedure!!
The only option that remains, is C. I think there's no way that we can debunk this!! If there's any, go on, I'm all ears!!
Conclusion: Anything that has come to existence, has a reason or cause.
Waiting for your questions and challenges related to what was discussed in this part!!