DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I loved Lost. It's still my second-favorite TV series. Sure, it was flawed in some ways — the creators clearly were just making it up as they went along, and they started listening to much to the audience whining about there never being any answers — but it was still brilliant.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@DunningKruger And who was you favorite personality?
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Behnamhb1999m John Locke. He was such a nuanced character. He always came just this close to being the wise hero (the scar over his eye suggesting that he had gained a sort of "vision"), but he always failed. It was tragic.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@DunningKruger The same with me!! What makes him your favorite?
I think I watched one series and literally got lost so gave up lol 😂
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soulsrespite · F
Sayid was my favorite personality.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@soulsrespite And Sawyer's life is a very sad story in my opinion.
soulsrespite · F
yeah, but at least he does better in his life.. and breaks some cycles. i always was annoyed by Kate 🙄 @Behnamhb1999m
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@soulsrespite Sawyer and Kate are perfect for each other!! 😆
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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
First Few seasons was really good. I lost complete interest in the show close to the end for some reason
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@smileylovesgaming Ah,I see.
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Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@fallenite Why?
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Foxes · F
I decided after the second series that it was too far fetched and stopped watching it.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
When they "moved the island" I lost interest.