Hell is a real place. 100% I have no doubt at all.
A reckless lifestyle without Jesus, in your life will lead you straight there.
The Atonement was for a reason.
A reckless lifestyle without Jesus, in your life will lead you straight there.
The Atonement was for a reason.
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@Wearelivinginamadworld So your actions don't matter then? You can kill people and that's still cool?
Im a Christian and that goes against my faith in our one and only God, Jesus Himself. @SW-User
I think you'll find its your brainwashed mind that thinks that way. I pray Jesus forgives you.
I think you'll find its your brainwashed mind that thinks that way. I pray Jesus forgives you.

@Wearelivinginamadworld Did you forget about when you said he already covered you for that by getting crucified?
If hell is real then God is responsible for creating it and has no right to be worshiped. But instead should be stood up against.

@Wearelivinginamadworld You think I'm Muslim?
@Behnamhb1999m Tyranny should always be opposed even if you fail. It's the morally correct thing. As someone that has lived under the rule of a tyrant I'm not going back.
The Norse gods are supposed to fail at Ragnarok as well but they will go down fighting taking their enemies with them leaving those in Helheim to come forth after the universe is destroyed to start a new race of gods.
The Norse gods are supposed to fail at Ragnarok as well but they will go down fighting taking their enemies with them leaving those in Helheim to come forth after the universe is destroyed to start a new race of gods.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@canusernamebemyusername Yes, but not if your fate is eternal suffering, pain of fire.. A fate which is even worse than the most painful death in the world.. just think of burning alive in the world, you may tolerate it for a while and then you are dead.. But think of eternal fire, that you are burnt but you are never gonna die and you are gonna experience every moment of pain and suffering, plus the eternal sorrow and grief that you could obey God, but you didn't!!
I mean, if it is all real, the only logical thing is to surrender!! I see no reason to fight against something over which I can never achieve victory and even worse, I am gonna suffer eternally for it!!
I mean, if it is all real, the only logical thing is to surrender!! I see no reason to fight against something over which I can never achieve victory and even worse, I am gonna suffer eternally for it!!
1490wayb · 56-60, M
treat all with respect love and kindness
very difficult to do and requires enormous amount of patience !!!
very difficult to do and requires enormous amount of patience !!!

@1490wayb They put effort into those things. What do you mean?
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@1490wayb Sure, I get angry all the time.

The dark side of religious doctrine.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@SW-User Yes, but there's also one bright side to it!! Paradise...
I think the whole idea is that, people shouldn't be so hopeful that they go to paradise, so that they just start doing everything they want.. And they also shouldn't so afraid that they go to hell.. Because god is so kind, even kinder than your parents!!
So you need to be something in between.. Not so hopeful and not so disappointed!!
I think the whole idea is that, people shouldn't be so hopeful that they go to paradise, so that they just start doing everything they want.. And they also shouldn't so afraid that they go to hell.. Because god is so kind, even kinder than your parents!!
So you need to be something in between.. Not so hopeful and not so disappointed!!
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@behnnamhb1999m] well really in the great scheme of things what does it matter. if your fate is that nothing you can do to stop it
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@smiler2012 But now, at the moment of speaking, we know that we have the power to change what's gonna happen to us.. Maybe we can change it..
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Behnamhb1999m maybe so 😆 a bit like eberneza scrooge in a christmas carol
SirenCalledLuce · F
Nope. You know those nights where you sleep and you dream nothing? That’s what’s going to happen when you die.
Without the waking up bit.
Without the waking up bit.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@SirenCalledLuce If that's death.. Then it's not so frightening.. But how can we be sure about it? I mean we can never ask dead people about their experiences.. Because they're dead.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
If there was a phobia named after fear of going to hell it sure as hell wouldn't be called "hellophobia"
tindrummer · M
@DrSunnyTheSkeptic what a Delphic comment ☺️

What if you pick the wrong god?
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@SW-User What if we pick the wrong god and go to hell again? That's a fair question. This is the reason we have to try our best to pick the right God!! What I am trying to say is that, that's stupid to be indifferent, we really need to search for the truth and hear what different religions tell us and then pick up the best and most logical beliefs!!
nonsensiclesnail · F
🤔 nope
tindrummer · M
Nah, Greeks don't bother me. Macedonians are another matter.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Hmm. You sure it's not religious OCD? It is a theme some people with OCD have.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@basilfawlty89 I think it doesn't have anything to do with religion.. Because if it's a matter of religion, it is also telling you that paradise exists, so why shouldn't you be so happy about going to paradise?
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@basilfawlty89 But for thinking like this, you surely have to believe that hell exists...
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Behnamhb1999m not necessarily. If you have OCD, you will doubt everything and even a low probability won't necessarily assuage you. We with OCD always want absolute certainty. However, very few if any things in life are certain.
bijouxbroussard · F
No, interestingly enough. Even when I was religious, I never worried too much about that.
tenente · 100+, M
It's not fun to be burnt forever.. 🙄 someones new kink