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How do you prefer to treat people out of these three options?

1.Treat people worse than how they treat you.

2.Treat people the same way they treat you.

3.Treat people better than how they trat you.

And please explain what makes you choose that option!!

I choose the second one..

The first one is completely unfair and makes people hate you!!

The second one is logical.. People who hate you will always hate you no matter what you do, so hate them back. People who love you deserve your love so that you keep them close to you!! 😊

I don't see any reason to treat people better than how they treat you.. It just makes you look like a fool!! Why do they deserve a better treatment than you? I don't know how it can really benefit you. 🤔
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Adstar · 56-60, M
The third option is the most desired but i often fail to live up to that standard..

Why because that's the standard of Jesus.. And i believe His standard is to be aspired to because it is the best..
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Behnamhb1999m Well in this world 90% of the time it does not benefit me.. Most people in this world have your outlook.. They think it is foolish to love others who don't earn it. That's the transactional love mindset that dominates in this world.. People don't give nothing. Everything has a cost/ a price..

But sometimes replying kindly to an angry person who has dissed you can cause them to check themselves and change their disposition towards you.. Yeah 9 times out of ten you get treated with contempt or as if your a weakling.. But hey you have to be strong to take such contempt..

But i don't keep turning my cheek forever.. One or two slaps are enough for me and i don't stick around to take more abuse.. That's why i will block a person on this forum if they get too slap happy with me.. Turning my cheek to them a few times gives them a chance to change tactics if they ever feel shame for treating another human being so badly.. But yeah narcissists sociopaths and psychopaths will just keep on slapping away all day so you got to cut them off..

I disagree with your family exceptions though.. In my personal experience the worst slaps i have ever taken have been from people in my own family.. Some families are not close Behnamhb.. Some are toxic to the max, cruel and vicious..
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@Adstar No no, by family I just mean your father, mother and siblings!! They love you, they may have done bad things to you, but they have a natural love for you.. It just rarely happens that your family feels indifferent about you..

I think it really depends on what they have done to you.. Me personally, I can never tolerate it when people make fun of me. Some people have made fun of me, and most of the times I never complained and treated them better.. But they just do it again and again.. It's like they think they are successful only if they humiliate others.. And whenever I look back, I feel like a fool that I let that happen... And I am really terrible in making fun of people even if I try to, I don't mean I'm a good person, I mean I just don't know how to make fun of others efficiently 😂, I mean I can not come up with the best words and sarcasms to humiliate them and they always beat me in this!! So, I always end up being as simple and logical as possible instead of using sarcasms, but almost nobody takes side with me!! Everyone takes side with the one who started it first, everyone takes side with the immoral and I end up feeling alone and angry inside, which really grips me for years, turning into grudge.

This makes me think I have to do something and make them pay the price...

I don't know if you actually understand me.
Adstar · 56-60, M
No no, by family I just mean your father, mother and siblings!! They love you, they may have done bad things to you, but they have a natural love for you..

I hate to say this Behnamhb but not all dads and moms love their kids.. Not all brothers and sisters love each other.. Some of the most bitter rivalries happen between brothers and sisters.. Especially when parents play favorite with their kids in an attempt to get kids to do what they want.. Some really toxic stuff goes down in some families.. Some siblings never talk to each other again once they leave home..

I think it really depends on what they have done to you.. Me personally, I can never tolerate it when people make fun of me.

You're correct that being mocked and denigrated is harder to face for some then being physically beaten..

Another twist is that some people who have faced being bullied and insulted end up being very good at cutting other people down in the same way.. They learn early how to have a tongue like a razor and use it..

I end up feeling alone and angry inside, which really grips me for years, turning into grudge.

Yep that can and does happen.. But the tragedy of that is when an injustice grips you for years your mind re lives that moment that incident over and over and over and over again.. It's as if you where not just abused once, it's as if it happened 50 times.. When ever you start to dwell on past bad memories you need to somehow, in some way stop yourself doing it all over again.. Try and distract your mind with something positive or constructive because your mind is trying to resolve the incident. To make it end better. But unfortunately your mind cannot change the past..

This makes me think I have to do something and make them pay the price...

I don't know if you actually understand me.

Oh i understand only too well.. You want to do something to the other person to make them realize that abusing you comes at a huge cost.. You want the offender to suffer for what they have said or done to you so that in the future they will think twice about ever messing with you again.. You want revenge too.. And that's normal human thinking..

As a believer in God i trust that God will not allow anyone who has hurt me to get away with it in eternity. He will avenge me. I pass that offender over to the judgement of God mentally.. Now they have to get right with God if they want to be forgiven by Him for what they did.. Otherwise they will be facing a revenge far more terrifying then anything i could ever do to them in a life time of revenge..

But that's just me.. How i handle things.. How i am able to continue along in my life in this world.. Each person has to deal with their experiences as best as they can..

Such is life..
MrMonotone · 36-40, M
I treat people as they treat me is shows who they are as a person but that does not dictate who I am as a person
MrMonotone · 36-40, M
@Behnamhb1999m everyone deserves love...I love parts of my family who are racist and homophobic and I'm all out ashamed of...I hate what they believe in but love them because they're family...I really don't want to say people deserve hate but...there are exceptions
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@MrMonotone Family is always an exception.. Even if they hate you (it rarely happens though) you should always love them, since the closest people to you are them. 👌👌

And by hate, I actually mean "hating you" not others. I mean "Does somebody who hates you deserve your love?"
MrMonotone · 36-40, M
@Behnamhb1999m okay in that interpretation absolutely they deserve my love...fucking hate me its okay...I'm a terrible person at times but someone who is deserving of my love no matter they're current mind state definitely deserves love
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
Prefer - 2
Try - 3
Actually do (all too often) - 1
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
@Behnamhb1999m The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@RopinTexan So how do you treat sb who does not follow this golden rule?
RopinTexan · 36-40, M
@Behnamhb1999m I try to treat everyone the way I’d like to be treated, regardless of their behavior. Unfortunately I often fail, but that’s what I aspire to do.
uncleshawn · 41-45, M
Convoluted in so many ways
Peaceful · F
Reason? Because I can sleep with a clear conscience at night.

They can think I'm a fool. I don't care. In the end, the truth comes out and they get bit in the ass for being shitty to me.
Peaceful · F
@Behnamhb1999m I hear you. I just don't lower myself to their ways.
Behnamhb1999m · 22-25, M
@Peaceful You feel like, if you do not make them redeem it, no one will ever redeem it for you!!
Peaceful · F
@Behnamhb1999m karma does...cause and effect.

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