I love love love running and cycling but am hearing us ladies can benefit from lifting also...I am scared...don't want to get manly looking muscles.:S Any thoughts or advice? Good idea or no?
I used to train back in the 80 to become professional bodybuilder... I had a car accident so everything stop there. My suggestion is to do high reps/2-3 series of each part of body with light weight in a slow control motion.
Great idea. Women need physical activity as badly as men do. And resistance training (weight lifting) will increase bone density if done on even a semi-consistent basis. The concept of getting manly looking muscles is over-emphasized. Women will gain the benefits of weight training without bulking up because their testosterone levels are naturally lower.
You won't get bulky . I know a few powerlifting girls that are lifting more then some dudes and they are not overly muscular.
this is a huge myth i always hear fro women — unless ur on steroids you will NEVER bulk like a man or else i’d be a hulk by now . i used to compete in fitness and worked my ASS off for 4h a day 6-7 days a week for months and i neverrrrrr looked manly. the manly women you see are either born naturally muscular or they are on something. it takes SO much work to build muscle that you never have to worry about gaining to much of it trust me.