Where do we go from hereSo very tired and weary. So very bored of flow So anxious to find it's meaning Not caring where it goes The child I was feared me The wise old man didn't show Stuck with riches near me Still unsure where to go
Strawberries A Delicious and Nutritious Fruit Strawberries are a sweet and juicy fruit packed with vitamin C antioxidants and fiber. Not only are they deliciousbut they also offer numerous health benefits. Health Benefits of Strawberries Rich in Vitamin C: Strawberries are an excellent source... (...)
I like to go outside and face the night Hear the strange noises Feel the eyes I can't see on my bare skin It gives me a fright It makes my heart thump Like I was with a passionate lover I shudder with delight
Easier to Blame The ParentsWho will these adult children blame for their own choices when we are dead? Will we still be held accountable from the grave? Do they not know we have had grievances against our own parents we chose to forgive? That we gave them grace in thier flaws?... (...)
Pizza is ordered! 🍕I have been craving pizza for the past week, so when my hubby mentioned last night that we should do pizza tonight for dinner, I immediately agreed. Now we wait for it to be delivered. Also… is it just me, or does it totally feel like a Sunday?... (...)
A Clear and Present DangerIt is quite apparent what Trump and co. have been doing is nothing more than a hostile take-over of our federal government. Our democratic republic is clearly under assault. The United States faces a clear and present danger the longer Trump remains... (...)
Not sure how to make a new group?I wanted to make a group for parents with estranged adult children. I feel like I'm losing my mind over this and it be nice to have a group to post in with people going through the same thing. I love my child,but he hates me. Is there a group here... (...)
Cats know when its dinnertime And demand their fair share, especially if its fish! True story When growing up, my mom was cleaning and cutting fish for our dinner. Our cat suddenly jumped on the sink and took off running with it...lol ! From then on, she always gave him his... (...)
Taking Reasonability -ScapegoatingWhen you make someone your scapegoat, you deny yourself growth. All your problems being focused on one person makes you fail to see the areas you could improve yourself in. You'll be forever justified in your actions, motives, and choices. The... (...)
No mom, it's not a "messy pile of clothes on my chair"...It's an L1 cache for fast random access to my frequently used clothes in O(1) time. It needs to be big to avoid expensive cache misses (looking in my closet). I NEED to be minimizing latency, this is important to me. Please. (Meme shamelessly stolen... (...)
Just another Alt accountThanks for SomeMichGuy for being so sure of himself, there's something about him that instantly makes it better if I don't see him anymore, for the facts sirs and madames, I am a returning member, not an alt account, if that MichGuy would have an... (...)
Plant sale complete All this was 8 USD this makes me happy Several kinds of peppers and some pretty things I don’t know what they are
Black Clouds ⛈☁⛈I guess I'm mourning thoughts,hopes and wishes... The words above are what came to mind when I thought about where I am ,now, from how I envisioned life would be as I held my new born son all those years ago and thought about the future Don't get... (...)
Due date is May 16th!😇This is my first ever child (also my first ever post here, hiii hi hi I’m new!) & while I am so ready to hold my baby in my arms, I am also SO nervous. Absolutely terrified of childbirth 🤣 but am so thankful for my amazing support system…idk how I’d... (...)