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In next 100 years , people might become 15 billion .

In 500 years , 30 billion .

But rivers will still remain as many as there are .
Forests will remain limited .

Like apartments are now made for people to live , in tall buildings .

In future buildings will be made in which the ocean water will be processed and made for drinking .

Because rains are limited around earth as well .

If some one tries continuously to do Artificial rain , it will disturb the global system .

Water is more precious than gold ,
not only because it fulfils thirst ,
but because it is also needed to grow crops .

Maybe the fresh water use should reduce in less useful industries , where thousands of litres of freshwater is wasted daily .

Rivers will not increase on earth , roads and highways may increase .

And population will explode , like a nuclear bomb , and indecent videos and display of body parts had made people more aroused as well .
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helenS · 36-40, F
Earth's population will not increase that fast in the future, as a result of higher incomes and better education of people.
The third derivative of population growth is already negative ==> It's already sub-exponential 😏
RedBaron · M
@Max41 That's a dumb generalization that you can't prove.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Max41 It's a fact that uneducated people in very poor countries have many more children than people in 1st world countries:

"Democratic" Republic of the Congo: 5.72 births per woman (as of 2020)
Switzerland: 1.46 births per woman (2020)
Niger: 6.91 births per woman (2020)
US of A.: 1.64 births per woman (2020)
Mali: 5.63 births per woman
Canada: 1.40 births per woman (2020)

==> Population will decrease in all 1st world countries if not compensated by immigration.
Reliable source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
So population control through vaccines?
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@MasterLee quite the rabbit hole
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Ryderbike the rabbits are not amused
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
What about air?
Max41 · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone In the best moment man is stuck on ventillator , till he is fine again and out .
Oxygen should be increased , by making oceans clear of pollution , phytoplanktons make more oxygen than trees .

But still 2 big trees are enough for one person , to get enough oxygen , so people should grow more trees as well .
relax. this is not going to happen. there are natural population cycles. everything will be regulated naturally. although some methods may seem artificial.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@fakable No artificial method maybe used . But yes the population may be controlled as well by parallel deaths .
i have no reason to contradict you
Population has already exploded.

But we are at the beginning of a decline.

Not that depopulation is happening , but birth and fertility rates are dropping, while death percentage rates are about the same.....the population curve is bending.

I wont go into all the theories of why this is happening , but it is.
So while we cant see numerical depopulation as a whole, each generation is having less kids, which will eventually level the birth /death rate, and possibly start decreasing our numbers in the future .

But not for a few generations yet.
@ninalanyon immigration is another way to offset lowering birth rates.
Only a few European countries are already implementing change set towards coping with depopulation.

I wish the rest of the world could follow their example.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@OogieBoogie Immigration is all very well but it just allows the state to ignore the challenges of an ageing population for longer while at the same time draining the country that provides the immigrants of many of it's most skilled and capable people.

I'm not against immigration, I'm an immigrant myself. But it shouldn't be used as a permanent means of hiding away from reality. It needs also to go both ways so that everyone benefits.

Which European countries did you have in mind? Where I live, Norway, has some good features regarding ageing such as no official retirement age, old age pensions don't require you to retire and can be taken out from the age of 62. I'm 67, retired from full time work at 62, did a few years of freelancing; almost all of my similar age and also much older colleagues are still working, many as freelancers but also still others as full time employees.

But Norway still has a long way to go before ageing is really handled properly.

One thing that I notice about the two countries with which I am most familiar, the UK (my birth country) and Norway (my country of residence) is that the health of the oldest segment of the population is much better in Norway. So despite living longer Norwegians are (I think) a lesser burden on the health system. Instead of importing more health workers to look after the aged we should ensure that the aged are healthy. But the UK health system seems to be in the process of being driven into the ground. Norway's is not perfect but at least we don't have the same horror stories about things like queues of ambulances at A&E.

How to do this I have no idea, pretty much all countries are reluctant to adopt good practice from other countries (Norway is no exception).
@ninalanyon honestly, i included Norway in my assumtion.🤷‍♀️

I see it as forward thinking in education and other things.

I cant list examples, its kinda a smudge of infromation im my brain from ages past research .
All i know is paets of Europe have shown development in how they treat "life" and what it has to offer, in a more possitive way.

I m not smart enough to offer solutions. But i do know, we are giving up on too many types of people, the mature, the "disabled", and the young .

Each person is unique. No one should be pigeon-holed.

Some are done by 50, some , are never done contributing.
The young.. they know so much that isn’t true
@SW-User really?
accusing me of being a dogmatic christian is your defence/deflection on the subject of over population and limited resources?

you really need a picture to point out why ppl hate you woke ppl?..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout lmao oh dear that one sounded like it landed
Max41 · 26-30, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Even if you feel that people know less than you , it is still a fact that population had grown steeply in last few milleniums , it may still increase , and it poses a threat to humans themselves .
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I will be very surprised if this planet is still livable 50 years from now. Maybe not even that long.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@hunkalove It will be , politicians will be the last people to die in the world , because businessmen , news media , army , all protect them .
Patty81 · 41-45, C
The population is projected to peak around 9-10 billion in the next 50 years
Max41 · 26-30, M
@Patty81 10 billion is much as well .
How is overall population supposed to continue to grow like this???

We all know that populations are much more likely to grow during economic booms and contract during recessions.

Most people don't create children that they know they cannot financially support for the next 18+ years of their lives because of the danger of losing all your children to CPS.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Population growth estimates have the population peaking t about 10 billion sometime toward the end of the century.

See, for instance: https://peakpopulation.org/

Edit: Actually peak might be in less than thirty years from now.
The demographers disagree.
So you're going to ignore the demographic cliff, the aging population.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Roundandroundwego Not sure if the population is aging in Nigeria.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Geo engineering is already happening. Over population is a myth but does bulwark eugenic and malthusian ideology.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
If everyone took up knitting then there would be less time for us to indecently expose our body parts and make naughty videos 😔
Max41 · 26-30, M
@SunshineGirl Celibacy is lost , people desire children and family , indecent things only increase the desire to be populated , over being celibate .
Even after getting into family , man and woman are not happy with each other nowadays .
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I heard China and Russia and Ukraine future is going to be hit hard
Max41 · 26-30, M
@smileylovesgaming China and Russia might increase , as their incomes have increased , many people like simple life of 2 parents 2 kids .
Half of ukraine will become part of Russia , while ukrainians will decrease in population even living in Poland , belarus and other countries .
RedBaron · M
And all of us now alive will be dead, so we won't care or be affected by it.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@RedBaron That is good you will be dead , no one cares for insects yes .
RedBaron · M
@Max41 And you will be dead as well. That is good since no one cares for ignorant trolls yes.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@RedBaron That is bad that ignorant trolls whose death is early are still answering the posts .
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Maybe they could stop closing dams and dumping fresh water in the ocean…. But they’d rather go against science and engineering.. soooooo.. 🙄☕️ Politicians play a dirty game..
scrood · 31-35
Everyone who took the vax will be dead in 5 years
RedBaron · M
@scrood Unless, of course, they aren't.
pride49 · 31-35, M
This opinion people have that resources are too limited to accommodate human population, Is ridiculous
Max41 · 26-30, M
@pride49 You live in Usa or Europe probably , and not in Niger or Ethopia .
black4white · 56-60, M
glad i will be dead in 100 years and probably everyone that knows me will be too
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The forests will by some mythical thing that we tell children about in bedtime stories. At least for those children luck enough to be born in fallout shelters. The planet will be fine, the people are f#cked.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@SW-User And the european population .
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Sounds apocalyptic to me. There will be insurmountable problems that will make the earth very toxic to live in.
RedBaron · M
@caesar7 And we won’t care because we will be dead.
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron I do care for the next generations to follow!! That is my major concern!!
RedBaron · M
@caesar7 But can you do anything about it? That’s the real question.

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