They say they like me, but nobody exactly reaches out, and they don't ever seem particularly interested when I do. Maybe I should give up on this whole thing
I can honestly say that I can like a person, but when it comes to online friendships, I'm just not the type to DM anyone or have a long conversation online. IRL though, I'm sure I could have some very long conversations with those same people.
Don't pick up who is not loyal to you. I can describe such people as star-crossed. Smoke and mirrors. You deserve better. They call on you when needing you. You better take off on them for your peace. Right people will come into your life. Trust the process of nature.
Sounds to me like you need some in-person friendships. Social media can never, ever replace that. And it also sounds to me like you're an introvert like me. Which means we wait for the other person to make the first move. Is it also possible that you are missing hints that people are dropping that they'd like to hang out?
I mean, I hardly care.. You can control how you act. You can’t control whether or not people are going to like you. Some people might be really insecure and find reasons to dislike you for no reason. But even if you changed those things about yourself they would find some other reason to dislike you because you’re not the problem.
Nah, I am despised in most places, it doesn't bother me. I would prefer to live in a cabin in the woods by myself surrounded by animals and bugs the rest of my life. Be like Tarzan.
nope. i'm intimidating in an un-intimidating way. i'm just like the most ordinary looking guy, but i project bad vibes and people give me lots of space