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😬 I feel bad because

A different nurse is making rounds to cover my usual hospice nurse today. And I like her better. I’d prefer this new nurse. She’s just one of those people you know is meant for her profession. Angel. 🥺
I’m very weak and in pain today, so I’m glad she was here.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
🙏 Prayed for you. I hope she stays... I know if I were in your position I would want that too.
Elisbch · M
Is there a possibility you could ask for this nurse you like better to be more involved with your care? I always think, it never hurts to ask.
WillaKissing · 56-60
Awe dang it man this just sadden my day. I am extremely happy you have a great care giver today. But to hear you are on hospice care saddens me. I have no words and only prayers to life up for you. I had no idea🙏.
🙏 Just sent up for you!

@WillaKissing Thank you. 🧡
Terminal · 26-30, M
Been reading your posts forever. When I got diagnosed with end stage chf I was like huh that person on SW would understand
@Terminal I wondered about your username. It’s a crazy stage of life, isn’t it? So much that can’t even be expressed because it makes no sense unless it’s your time. 🫂
being · 36-40, F
Give her a flower.. or a hand drawn flower 🌹🙂
@being I should have given her that Christmas arrangement I was sent. 😱🙂
AngelUnforgiven · 46-50, F
Hugs and positive vibes to you. I hope that you feel better soon.
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
I hope you are getting pain care.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I'm glad,too.🫂

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