@HootyTheNightOwl How did you come up with that conclusion from my statement. Stop taking what I am saying and twisting it around. I agree with the fact that people should self isolate. However the government has to help people who are unable to work due to that self isolation. There are people who are not financial stable and live pay check to paycheck. They don't have the luxury to work from home like I do. So I hope the government can help them financially so they can be able to pay for food and other supplies while they self isolate. Here in NYC we have schools and other programs who are stepping up to provide food and other supplies for the needy. If you listened to the news you would realize that here in NYC and other states schools are closed. So little Johnny does not have to go to school. I understand how important self isolation is. However instead of the government spending trillions of dollars to bail out wall street, they should use that money to provide more testing and more supplies and support for the needy. If things really get bad and people aren't able to access food and other necessities, we'll see riots in the streets. Had China been more straight forward and informed the world about the Crisis as many Chinese doctors told them to do. They would have more time to prepare. China knew about the virus since November of last year and refused to admit that there was a problem, had china been more strict of the sell of exotic animals we most likely would not be in these bad times. Look at Sars from 2002. It came from China due to them eating animals that carry multiples viruses. But they refused the crack down on wet markets who sell these animals. History repeats itself, if China does not step up and take a hold of the sell of exotic animals the next pandemic might be worst then this one.
@Kidreamer Again, you speak only for New York and America. not everyone has the same provisions as New York or even America. Over here, Johnny still needs to go to school.
We already agree on the fact that the virus comes from China... I can't agree with you more with the more facts you give to me - however, if the meat came from an illegal source, I doubt that the criminals will have written to law enforcement and announced what they are doing any more than immigrants send a map to US border agents.
Yes, China has the biggest economy in the world, but they don't invest in proper public hygiene standards in markets. Appalling. Not only should the Chinese government apologize, they should also give financial compensation to other countries affected.
@SW-User Sorry, that should have read second biggest economy in the world
The first thing that you are wrong is that you believe the virus is from wild animals and you don't know/care where the animals get it from.
Will there be more animals get sick and infect people?
Are there more viruses that's hidden in the wild animals, farmed animals, fishes from the sea, that are undetectable?
Is it worth to do every tests of what you are going to eat? Does anyone have the resource to do that?
Is your body strong enough to handle it? Are you going to survive from it? The system/countries is built upon one thing that is the same for everyone, but is it?
Can you control the world? Can you adapt to a new world? Even China apologies in a political way/publicly, will it make a difference? To whom? Even America apologies in a political way/publicly, will it make a difference? To whom? Even the world apologies in a political way/publicly, will it make a difference? To whom?
Stop reading the words below if you think your logic is unquestionable.
Damn, you replied to my reply to the question. You are trying to see what's wrong with your logic. Stop replying, you ae fine by yourself.
Stop, I have no time for you!
People are going to get murdered, it's just legal and what's illegal. Doesn't mean that people won't get murdered. See how silly you sound?
Can't you see your logic? Why do I have to explain everything to you? I say wild animalsI got eaten, you say people get murdered. Do you get the same sentence? Why are you still trying to use logic while ignoring the facts and truth I told you. Then I have to correct every statement you made with the flawed logic you have.
You can't understand what I understand and you believe in whatever they show you with words attached ,then the whole thing becomes true to you. Know the truth yourself, don't let others control your life.
Your statement is based on what they tell you. My statement is based on what I see and what I experience. You talk all laws and government, I see you put faith in government/authorities and laws, but you don't know how they are operated in China and think they are the same to yours.
I actually did, you said I was wrong to think the virus came from animals but all scientific authorities disagree with you
You diagreed with me in the first place, why are you still arguing? Pride and Prejudice? Delusion/Weed? Whatever, I don't want to know and I don't care to know. If you just believe in what the authrities say, you are going to use their logic agaist me without actually being a part of the situation. And you are not actually good at the logic they use.Tell them to come argue with me, for you know and understand too little.
Stop replying with nonsense. I am not taking your teachers and life guiders' jobs. Say hello to them for me and tell them their life is secured.
Can't you see your logic? Why do I have to explain everything to you? I say wild animalsI got eaten, you say people get murdered. Do you get the same sentence?
I was meaning that your logic is off. You said "it's just legal and what's illegal, doesn't mean they are not going to be eaten" is basically saying that it doesn't matter if you make something illegal, people will do it anyway, so why bother?
But murder is illegal yet people do it anyway so by your logic we shouldn't have any laws at all if that's the case.
Obviously I was hinting that your excuse is NOT a good excuse to not fix things 🤷♀️
@SW-User Yeah, but that's only China's responsibility. The world was warned during the SARS epidemic too. If we wanna apoint blame, maybe the world governements should also look into the mirror. Because when the SARS thing happened, a lot of virologists were demanding for more research on an international stage to combat certain viruses that have a high chance of causing a pandemic. But the world didn't pay attention. This could/should have been on the WHO and UN agenda and something that people could have worked on together because now it will all cost us a lot. If it's not lifes, it will be the recesion that comes with it. While on the international stage people could have invested in monitoring these things. But now a days international cooperation and the UN aren't really held in high esteem.
Ah,no way. China is already under the pressure of the biggest economy country in the world. The country is a disaster now. People are not happy enough. Too much green land is being used to build factories and houses. Rivers/underground waters have been polluted, now they have to plan water scources for almost every region.The growing economy is giving an unstopable corruption to the government,from where it spreads to the whole country. People should blame the biggest economy country for giving China the pressure. The economy is the biggest disaster that got people sick. In business, money first,it's fair trade. In life, you give China pressure, China give you disease, still fair.
Honestly, the world owe China an apology. Yall polluting the world, China felt sick of yall, it started polluting itself unstopabbaly before dying from your pollution.
@wildbill83 Being shithole alone is much better than being a controlled 3rd world shithole. Yall just think for yourselves. You knew the process then why show me the pic?
@wildbill83 Isn't it the hypocritical of all power to achieve one goal by any means necessary then sacrifice the innocent(or some call fools)? What do you need quality products for? A better life? If you make them yourselves you won't have the time to live the better life, then you make/force/trick someone else to make it for you, then you have the better, they have the worse?
@Kidreamer You said "Sorry, should of clarified what I meant", then I replied with "Of? Can you clarify what that means?". Your reply to that was "That should the government be held accountable for the rapid spread of the virus. After all they wait 1-2 months to start admitting there was a virus to began with. Had they been more honest and listened to doctors like the one that unfortunately died. The world might have been more prepared". Either you think that's what the word "of" means or you mistakenly replied to me when it was meant for someone else's thread. Was that comment meant for someone else?
@Crazychick the comment was meant for you, just wanted to explain why i feel the government is at fault. Because they did not do enough to stop/contain the spread until it was already out of control.
There is plenty of blame to go around regarding China. Starting way back with the people who were involved in getting the Chinese hooked on opium including American shipping families. They most likely would have never become Communists had that not happened.
they don't apologize for all the shitty worthless products, counterfeit products, copyright/patent infringement, products that pose serious health hazards, etc. they dump on market every year, why would they start now?