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Which is more beautiful to you, the male body or the female body? Why?

I think women are only considered "beautiful" because:

Men are genetically wired to think women are beautiful. Women believe they are beautiful, simply because the attention they get from men.

When I try to observe, from an objective viewpoint, women’s bodies aren’t that impressive. We're basically just fat stores at the chest and hips, overall soft looking, with little muscular detail.

My body as example:

I think the "athletic" male body, is far more beautiful, due to the amount of muscular detail and physical superiority. A fine working man is a piece of "biological art" capable of superior sprinting, climbing, fighting and more. This magnificent statue shows it all:

What's your Opinion?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The best explanation I ever heard was that the female body is beautiful in repose, and most other poses. But a male body has to be in action -- sports, fighting -- to be fully appreciated.
Carazaa · F
@dancingtongue That is true I think!
NatureGuy77 · 56-60, M
Male bodies at best are utilitarian. Lifting (building) stuff or killing animals for food. Hairy and fat in later years, 🤮 Female bodies, smooth clean and shapely, can’t be beat in my humble opinion
Collegegirl23 · 31-35, F
I think male bodies specially if it's like in the picture lmao
Coffeequilt · 51-55, F
Of those 2 choices? Female!
Filipinalez · 18-21, F
The female body has always been more of a beautiful mystery and disoovery for me i find it so alluring and sexy
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Filipinalez I totally agree. I have drawn, painted, photographed and sculpted the figure for decades. I find the female easier to do and much more beautiful.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
That’s like asking which is more beautiful, a tree or a flower. Both are beautiful in different ways.
The artistic curves, softness and attributes of the female body are designed to be attractive and alluring to males
The muscular firmness and strength of male body is designed to be attractive to females
The obvious exception are those attracted to the same sex
The human body, male and female is a beautiful and wonderful thing
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
I prefer your body, by far. All human forms are lovely, I find the softer female form more attractive, and as an amateur artist, easier to draw. I have drawn my own body hundreds of times, still I can't get it right.

I know this may provoke lots of comments, but, i don't think male genitals are pretty, female gorgeous.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
As an "artist" i find female lines more beautiful, much easier to draw or paint. The male body has many more features in a way, i find it much more of a challenge.
emptysoul44 · 46-50, M
A male donkey body is more appealing to me than these pics of naked dudes on here so..
Bklynbadboy12 · 31-35, M
Definitely the female body I love the the feminine form
I’m too straight to give an unbiased answer
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romell · 51-55, M
Am not gay so definitely woman
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Asthetically I say the woman’s body
Masood22003 · 26-30, M
GabbySA8 · 22-25, F
Ynot1more · 46-50, M
stephan055 · 56-60, M
Mine. Wait, that's probably not a proper answer.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
YES, the female form is a wondrous thing
DistractedKate101 · 31-35, F

... may I offer a small insight, Miss Booty?

Genetically, we are hardwired for procreation and not a particular appreciation of beauty. Procreation is a biological species driven behavior, we all have this.

Attraction, on some levels, while it can be triggered from the senses, is also governed by perception, which is a cognitive feature meaning that it is not "hard wired." If it were hardwired we would be compelled to respond. Since it is not there are many influences that contribute to our responses including one's culture, self-perception, feedback from others, etc.

I love your selfie pic. To me, you are an attractive girl and a wonderful representation of the female form. I envision you in the future with a selfie pic reading a text on socio-biology. For me, that would be my interpretation of beauty.

BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
To be honest, neither. I find the human body to be boring. It's bland, plain, nothing exciting about it.
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@AgapeLove A virtual hug? Is that like a poke on Facebook?
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i like to think of myself as an equal opportunity rabbit ..
i like both male and female form, and almost all ages / ethnicity. :)
If amount of muscular details is a thing for you (it's a turn off to me), then it still wouldn't be about sex of the person. You'd be able to find muscular and athletic bodies (if an over muscular body even is considered athletic, not exactly my own definition) of women too.

That will be closer to the truth behind attractiveness, but why try tell other people they're wrong in their perceptions of female vs. male bodies? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Me for instance, I will gladly admit I am biased and having preferences. Your body is my kind of beauty 🤤
@SapphicHeart true. I don’t think anyone can be objective.It’s so silly.
Oh. 😳😋
Usually I like silly, just not the nonsense kind of silly 🙃

I think the "athletic" male body, is far more beautiful, due to the amount of muscular detail and physical superiority. A fine working man is a piece of "biological art" capable of superior sprinting, climbing, fighting and more. This magnificent statue shows it all:
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@SW-User Gad you agree with me!
So you're an escort from Pennsylvania?
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@BootyCutie you dont know what your volunteering for
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@Moosepantspatty If your tongue is half as large as your profile pic, I'll volunteer for anything you have in mind! 😈
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@BootyCutie it's not the size of my tongue you need to worry about 😏
Faust76 · 46-50, M
...umn. But actually masculine looks are called "handsome" not beautiful for some reason. And to me, like many (most?) people, beauty means something more than skin-deep. So in actual fact men are handsome and women are pretty. And both excel in those categories.

There would perhaps be a debate over makeup though, but even without makeup women tend to use more time and effort to groom themselves up. Consequently, even if you forget feminine and masculine differences, women tend to look more stylish. This is not to say that rugged look can't be nice, but ultimately you're just talking different preferences - affected majorly by romantic feelings. really my dream man! I cant stop staring at Hercules! 😌

I mean to say heterosexual people will get attracted to the opposite sex!
My opinion is that you're not really objective. You're going based on your preference.

And my preference is also a male body.
This is where people’s sexual orientation will speak for them lmao
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@AgapeLove Maybe that’s good because it’s better to see people clothed
amethyst1 · 36-40, F
Germaine Greer would agree with you. I disagree. I think a woman's body is more beautiful. Can't see the 'fat stores' on you! Don't think the chest is a fat store (unless you have extra weight), I think it's more tissue. I just think the curves on a woman are beautiful and more sexy. But some men look nicer than some women and vice versa.
@amethyst1 I agree with you, but as we are wired to like the opposite sex I felt I could be biased. But believe any healthy body (men or women) should look beautiful.
I find women body more beautiful and attractive.
Men’s body can be more impressive if they’re fit. But my preference is for my woman’s body 😋
Your body tho 🤤
I much prefer men's bodies. Watching all those muscles bunch and work and streeeetch... makes me wonder what he could do to me with it:)
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@SW-User Yes, every time I see a tall, handsome man, I get those same thoughts:

I am going to disagree with you here.. the male genitalia is just not all that good looking but the female form in any size seems to just flow so nicely
DistractedKate101 · 31-35, F
eye of the beholder, amiga, eye of the beholder !

and i think that each within their sphere of symmetry are beautiful.

🧐 🤗
I don't find guys particularly attractive. The reason is that they have no breasts unless they've been eating too many chickens, their skin and hair isn't that soft and their clit is just way too big and they don't even have a vagina. Then their voice is deep, they have yucky hair all over themselves especially on their face ... ewww.. and smell bad. Plus they communicate in single lines, fart a lot and their choice in perfume smells like paint remover. They're ok to help rebuild a car but i wouldn't wanna date one.
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
I think that statue has like no dick 😧
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@BootyCutie neither, she wanted to have me castrated. Deemed necessary after other preventive measures failed.
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@BootyCutie yeah. Didnt work out. So I just got a giant dick instead of no dick.
ArianaRose25 · 31-35
I prefer the male body. Why? Just not attracted to the female body.
Well, the male body for me. But I'm often attracted to thinner, less muscular guys. The super brawny bear-like look doesn't do much for me. But men can be very beautiful--they're written off as hairy and angular, but I've seen some that greatly disprove that :)
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@SW-User I get your drift. I also like think, androgynous male models are sexy.

This guy is pretty hot to me:

The female 150%
You are beautiful 💋😍😘❤️
Pm me
djjohnson · 41-45, M
Why is muscle more attractive than fat? Too much of either isnt. But aside from that its a matter of preference between soft and hard features.
Faust76 · 46-50, M
@djjohnson The ideal body preferences was voluptuous in ages when food was more scarce because... it meant rich and, well, not starving. Today, empty calories are everywhere, and all the masses can afford. This also speaks somewhat to how common features have always been less desired - again, for fairly obvious reasons. Of course, I don't know what this has to do with the whole question, other than that ideals of beauty are really subjective ;) But yeah, "fat" women aren't considered attractive now either; it's all a matter of where that fat is, just remember the brain is fat.
BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@djjohnson I agree that beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder. By and large, hard bodies usually win over soft bodies, male or female, although certain women with soft bodies are an exception:

BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@BootyCutie Women with soft bodies can be an exception but that picture is of Nicki Minaj, one of the ugliest female celebrities in the world.
That's just awesome!
Can you pander to the male audience a little more?
You naturally have a beautiful shape - and you know It..
... Yet the down play is so sweetly depreciating...

Been a while since I've seen the femininityometer go into the red zone! 😁
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I really like both.
I work out often so both are attractive. Fit women get that test going to all places, while fit men are simply admired because I understand the time and dedication it took to become their current version

PS. You're fit
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BootyCutie · 22-25, F
@pixelmann Some of the most amazing pics are just abstracts:

Danez · M
For me it’s the female body. The hour glass shape, the hips, the tummy, the small of the back, the bootie, the legs. Everything!!!
@Danez hahahah... You and over 65 % of the population, amd that includes women.

Pity less than 8% of women have that.
JT123 · M
I think it all depends on your sexual preference. I'm a male and like girls. I find the female body to be very attractive. I see nothing when I look at a guy!
It's the exquisite female body for me, it's those beautifully placed "fat stores" that help ensure the future of the species

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