Convivial · 26-30, F
A good mattress, a chiropractor and regular gentle exercise
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
@bill117 eat broccoli, vegetables carrots peas corn. Asparagus (urk)
Vin53 · M

nonsensiclesnail · F
@Vin53 now I need a goat!!
How do you sit??? Try to pay attention to your posture - especially when seated... I've recently noted that my own poor posture while seated has been irritating my back, too.
Do you have access to a pool??? A regular gentle swim will help you to get moving again and support your back from carrying your body weight in the early days. I've also found heat to be beneficial to my pain, too.
Do you have access to a pool??? A regular gentle swim will help you to get moving again and support your back from carrying your body weight in the early days. I've also found heat to be beneficial to my pain, too.
bill117 · 46-50, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Thank you. I will try the heat thing.
Iwillwait · M
Abdobinabull exercises.
nonsensiclesnail · F
Aleve and Backaide max are my go to.
Backaide max is weird because it is only Tylenol with a diuretic but for some reason it works, where Tylenol doesn’t touch the pain alone.
Backaide max is weird because it is only Tylenol with a diuretic but for some reason it works, where Tylenol doesn’t touch the pain alone.
Vin53 · M
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
If you can, stretch a lot.
Lay on the floor and let your body realign.
Drink water.
Sleep well.
I would try to avoid meds unless it is an excruciating pain.
Lay on the floor and let your body realign.
Drink water.
Sleep well.
I would try to avoid meds unless it is an excruciating pain.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Walking always helped me,, sitting would make it worse,, found changing my car helped the seating was better in new car
Also, apart from the mentioned, watch your posture while sitting and sleeping.
Back exercises. Lay flat, knees up, legs bent and twist. Work up to legs twisted completely to one side, straight up, over to the other side flat.
Boleuskas · M
Walking, long slow walk, and swimming or just floating in water
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Acknowledge unresolved conflict.
Really · 80-89, M
I wish! For me only opioid combos (T-3, Tramadol) are effective but I don't want to become addicted or rely on them. Everyday life is fairly miserable.
Amor69Fati · 56-60, M
Get well soon...
Get well soon...
StyleCat · M
Kneel down on yours knees, (feet flat against the floor). Fold forward over your body. Touch head to the floor. Repeat every day.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Heating pad
minxy · 46-50, F
icy hot patch
heating pad
particular leg/hip stretches
heating pad
particular leg/hip stretches
deadgerbil · 26-30
I roll on a mini yoga ball to break up my back pain
beermeplease · M
weed... it's worth a try.
legalboxers · M
You have sciatica too?
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Stretch. Maybe dangle your legs. Depends where the pain is. Mine is lower back. I have a chair with high armrests. I push down on the arm rests while sitting and dangle my back like that.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔........Pain Killers.........
billstickers · 36-40, M
Fast masturbation using opposite hand from usual.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
back extensions exercises
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Wear a bra
bill117 · 46-50, M
@MartinTheFirst wtf?
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