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How Do You Cope With Anxiety?

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Dolimyte · 41-45, M

But seriously, medication and therapy.
@Dolimyte I agree....I do both....
I take meds which doesn't always help....but, I try to figure out my triggers and avoid them as much as possible. Triggers are a big thing for me.
JustEd · 41-45, M
Ignore it and stay busy. 🤔. Although that doesn’t really seem to be helping.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Keep moving with it… only way out is through

I have been crippled by it a couple times (because it was paired with massive depression). I went on Lexapro to help give a boost to dig myself up and out. I am currently med free
PassingThrough · 46-50, M
Exercise helps. I’ve been doing walks around my neighborhood at night and that gets my head into a better place. Less caffeine helps me too so I’m not as jumpy and stressed in general. I also listen to ASMR videos and their calming and soothing vibes can sometimes make me less likely to jump off the deep end.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I usually prevent it with avoidance. 😬
If it's unavoidable then it depends on the level of anxiety.
Pacing, moving around, stimming, tidying up, putting running cold water on the wrists, drinking excessive amounts of water, taking valeriana root extract or if I need to be usable then I might take benzodiazepine.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I bore myself.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
My anxiety was from eating gluten, im lucky its a easy fix
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@CrazyMusicLover I love bread and pies so a big shock for me, I find i can eat very small amounts but if i have more than I should im awake at silly o’clock worrying about silly things.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Barny52 I have Hashimoto's that some people blame on gluten and say it should improve if I stopped eating foods containing it. I tried it for two weeks and never in my life felt as depressed, I started having digestive issues as well. When I ate a bread roll again it felt like food from heaven. Maybe the trick is really to limit it instead of banning it completely.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
@CrazyMusicLover my diet was high carbs and gluten, I was eating noodles and bread at work and for years had bad wind then started with bad diarrhoea every morning !! Couldn’t sleep passed 2am !! I cut it all out and everything settled down then started eating small amounts of bread say 2 slices anymore I wake early,, when im naughty it tastes better than ever,, have to watch what i eat I also have type 2 diabetes now !!! Falling to bits !!
Iwillwait · M
Deep breathing and typically a phome call to a "Loved One,"will help me calm down.
Elessar · 26-30, M
I dilute it with ethanol 🍸
morrgin · F
Resolve whatever is causing my anxiety
Breathing exercises or alcohol.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@V00doo same.
morrgin · F
@V00doo yes! I know how to get out of disassociating too
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
Depends on the cause of anxiety. If the cause can be eliminated from one's life then that is best. I find that the anxiety is worse than whatever issue is causing anxiety, and the issue can be managed to some extent to reduce anxiety.
B2nd2none · 41-45, M
Cry, and plead with God to help you through it. I refuse to take medication for it. Thats my issue I know but just hope you know that some things you cannot control so just hope for the best. God bless you!
revenant · F
Black coffee has helped a lot. Cutting all sugars and carbs from my diet has done wonders I did not expect.

Red reishi powder helps a lot also. But it gets expensive.
UKNaturist · M
One of the symptoms for me was low self-esteem. I joined Experience Project at such a time in my life and as well as finding the depression and anxiety grops to be of use, I strangely found that posting nudes and seeing the positive comments on them was great for the ego aand therefore the self-esteem
Convivial · 26-30, F
Slow breathing and a logical examination of what's causing it... Is it the event itself or a fear of the event?
Jungleman · M
exercise helps me, swimming when i can..i think anxiety can be a life long thing for some people.
Rawtruth · 26-30, F
I lift and walk 10,000 steps a day and don’t eat carbs
DaddyThomas · 46-50, MVIP
I run around screaming at the top of my voice
Wiseacre · F
I don’t get panic attacks anymore...
I try to practice mindfulness
With the most unhealthy ways
melbeacher · 61-69, M
A bong hit and a glass of wine in the hot tub.
Ducky · 31-35, F
specman · 51-55, MVIP
I take klonopin
Bang5luts · M
I get up and change what I'm doing. I get busy, go to sleep, put ice cubes in my pants
Or whatever it takes. Anxiety can be severely debilitating
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
I lay down all day and talk to my co ordinator
acpguy · C
Stay away from liberals, tell them to go to hell where they belong and do not listen to or read fake news that brainwashes the weak minded

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