How do YOU deal with root canal anxiety?Yeah I know all about trying this and that and relaxation techniques, educating yourself about the procedure, and communicating with your dentist, etc., I know exactly what's going to happen, so there's no surprises, spare me, and I'm trying my best... See More »
Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome Hell anxiety/OCD?For context, I'm not a religious person, but I do 100% believe in a God/higher power and an afterlife of some sort, most definitely. Also, I cannot afford therapy right now, so any advice would be appreciated. I find myself in constant fear of an... See More »
This has bothered me for so long.Why do i struggle so much dealing with other people's silence? I get anxious when there is deafening silence between me and an individual. It's as if i have the burden to break the silence and try to speak with the person so they don't think I'm mad... See More »
how do you handle feelings of insecuritywhen you worry about everything and worry about the future, worry about your own security etc. i just saw earlier that reform party were tied with labour in the polls and that worried me as i wouldn't want reform to get in power as they wouldn't... See More »
why does this happen regularlythere's quite a lot of chinese people in my area and when i go out and about, i often see them observing me or looking at me...and i feel uncomfortable as i have anxiety disorders i deal with besides that, and this also triggers my paranoia, which i... See More »
how do you deal with anxietyi get anxious about my health, the future, what each day might bring, my mother and father gettig older, having to leave my apartment and go into public etc - how do you deal with high levels of anxiety?
I bossed it tonightSo the last couple of days my anxiety has been bad but I had my night planned outt but managed to push myself to go out even tho my anxiety was sky high but I am so glad I did as had a really good night dancing and catching up with people. Not... See More »