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I have a difficult decision to make.

How do you go about making choices and knowing which one is right? I am not talking about what “feels” right—feelings are fleeting and can be temporary or deceptive.

I am talking about the really hard decisions in life, the ones that will affect your future. When you have two choices presented, do you go left or right? Do you trust yourself enough to make the right choice? Is there even a wrong choice?

There are many ways to look at this. I am in a really weird place in my life and I am at a crossroads. I am really just curious to hear others’ thoughts on this one.
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Have you taken time for self-reflection and introspection. Ask yourself questions like:

What are my motivations for choosing one option over the other?
What are my fears and anxieties about each choice?
What are my hopes and aspirations for each path?
What kind of person do I want to become, and which choice will help me get there?
I don’t think there is an absolute right or wrong.
The outcome of a decision depends on various factors, including your actions, circumstances, and the unpredictable nature of life. What might be a wrong choice for someone else might be the right choice for you, and vice versa.

I understand where you’re coming from though , it can be quite stressful indeed.😊
I’ve analyzed so many decisions It came down to flipping a coin 🤦🏼‍♂
After the magic 🎱 broke of course 😒😅
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I understand your skepticism about involving feelings. Otoh, given sufficient time, I have found it useful to ponder all the ifs, buts, and whatifs -- sometimes ad nauseum -- at night, alone, no distractions. Then wait until morning when I awake to make a decision. Because by morning my subconscious usually is pointing the direction in a "gut feeling". I have found that the mind's subconscious is a wonderful computing tool that strips out all the inconsequential stuff if allowed to do it without our conscious mind constantly flip flopping and coming up with additional excuses to not make a decision.

There is a lot of truth in those old aphorisms "sleep on it" and "trust your gut".
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I tend to overthink decisions like this a lot. I make a lot of self-sacrificing decisions for the benefit of others. I cannot say whether it is the right or wrong or choice. Sometimes I lament that I am not in a better position because I chose to help others over myself, but I find that lamentation easier to live with than lamenting the guilt I would feel with more selfish choices. Unfortunately, everyone is different with different tolerances and intolerances so there really is no clear guide.
Luna123 · 31-35, FNew
I'll admit i can be an oberthinker but when it comes to life changing decisions, is that really a bad thing? I try and envision whats the absolute worst and best that can happen on each road if that makes sense. I hope you find a solution soon
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SaorUladh · 26-30, M
I think about it. It's as simple as that. Take a moment or two to really consider the potential implications of whatever is facing you. Only you can make these decisions and you must learn to trust yourself. You can't guarantee being right but you must do what you can.

As for questions like "Is there even a wrong choice?", that depends on your particular circumstances.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
It’s hard to know and the fact that you’re agonizing over it means you probably won’t know until it’s done
Take a step back and look at it from any perspectives you can
Make a list of pros and cons
Really lay it all out for yourself
EndlessHorizon · 46-50, M
I have no advice, but I wish you clarity in making your decision.
jehova · 31-35, M
Whichever choice will lead to a greater number of options\future opportunities is the best one to take. Thats adcice i wish id take more often.
Move forward, that's the correct decision.
Not sure anyone can improve on that. You already recognize the folly of going with feelings. After that you can only take the possible outcomes and their probabilities and arrive at what statisticians call "expected value"
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
I always make the wrong one
Can you change your choice latter or is it an either or thing?
@daddychill and you have to make it now?
daddychill · 31-35, F
@SStarfish Not immediately, but soon.
@daddychill ok well hope you make the best choice then if you must
Is it a hardball choice? Like you have to go left or right, there is no middle or close to middle?
daddychill · 31-35, F
@SinlessOnslaught I’ve been straddling the middle for a long time. I have to make it definitive.
@daddychill If you honestly do have to make a choice, and there's no middle, and no bigger picture, then write down the pros and cons of both choices and score them based on what's important to you.

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