BlueVeins · 22-25
Lemmings don't actually do that, that's a common myth.

@BlueVeins This ☝️
The idea that lemmings commit mass suicide is a myth.
Due to their high reproductive rate, they have population booms and busts. They breed up to high numbers when food is abundant and, when it becomes scarce, scatter in all directions.
Reference: Stenseth, N. C.; Chan, K. S.; Framstad, E.; Tong, H. 1998 "Phase- and density-dependent population dynamics in Norwegian lemmings: Interaction between deterministic and stochastic processes". Proceedings. Biological Sciences.
Due to their high reproductive rate, they have population booms and busts. They breed up to high numbers when food is abundant and, when it becomes scarce, scatter in all directions.
Reference: Stenseth, N. C.; Chan, K. S.; Framstad, E.; Tong, H. 1998 "Phase- and density-dependent population dynamics in Norwegian lemmings: Interaction between deterministic and stochastic processes". Proceedings. Biological Sciences.
A lemming is a small rodent, usually found in or near the Arctic in tundra biomes. Lemmings make up the subfamily Arvicolinae (also known as Microtinae) together with voles and muskrats, which form part of the superfamily Muroidea, which also includes rats, mice, hamsters, and gerbils. In popular culture, a longstanding myth holds that they commit mass suicide.
Grendale · 41-45, M
It reduces the amount of the population and makes it easier for the survivors to forage for food and build nests. It also makes it easier to find mates. Less population = less competition.
This has nothing to do with athiests.
Human beings in South America and other parts of the world used to use human sacrifice for the same reason. Just ask the Incan's and Mayan's.
This has nothing to do with athiests.
Human beings in South America and other parts of the world used to use human sacrifice for the same reason. Just ask the Incan's and Mayan's.
softspokenman · M
God gave lemmings free will 🙄

Lemmings don’t kill themselves 😂
Nanori · F
I haven't read anything about those but heyyyy I'm gonna assume God is real based on the existence of lemmings
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
What do atheists have to do with this?
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Not something that actually happens.
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a thought provoking angle
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
I can think of a few people where offing themselves that would help our species.
Also, this is a question for an evolutionary biologist, not an atheist.
Also, this is a question for an evolutionary biologist, not an atheist.
😂 Whaaaa....
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F

Cause people take everything literally and most times things are meant as an example. It's the shadow of the real thing in meaning

Lemmings committing suicide is a myth.
Thanks for playing.
Thanks for playing.

Where is lemming Jesus?
Dang it. And here i was hoping there was a question about evolution i could answer.
bijouxbroussard · F
If your god is “so perfect”, how do you explain them ? 🤔
bijouxbroussard · F
@IndigoSavage There’s a mass grave of misguided and lost theists in a city where I once lived, brought back from Jonestown, Guyana. A couple of my former neighbors are among them. They ended up there in their search for God.
I’ve been distrustful of religious fanatics ever since. 🙁
I’ve been distrustful of religious fanatics ever since. 🙁
IndigoSavage · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard and mistrust people who tell you lemmings kill themselves too, it's all lies!!!
bijouxbroussard · F
@IndigoSavage No worries, I already knew that. I get more people proselytizing and I’ve learned not to believe them, either.
LucyGray · 26-30, F
I'll make you a lemming meringue pie.
Nanori · F
But then the all loving God commanded his own creatures to commit suicide tsk tsk
CopperCicada · M
I'm going to be the asshole that points out that regardless of whether God made lemmings or natural selection AKA evolution...
... if lemmings actually did this, uh, there would be no lemmings.
... if lemmings actually did this, uh, there would be no lemmings.
Sunshine04 · F
you premise is already wrong.. go home troll and don talk about things you know nothign about

As a Christian, do your homework before you make silly posts
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SassySarah · 46-50, T
You are freaking dumb