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What philosophy do you subscribe to? Where do your morals and values come from?

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BlueVeins · 22-25
My morals and values are consequentialist; specifically, I think actions which maximize well-being of sentient life & follow rules reasonably established to do the same are morally better than actions which do not, or which do so less. This moral framework is based on empathy.

My descriptive view of the world is based on empirical observation to the extent that I can make that so.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
My morals and values are really just kinda absorbed by family friends society.

I'm an anarchist. In specific I think that our most profound miseries come from entrenched hierarchy and class and that the goodness of humanity is best achieved when we're on equal footing and build society and community towards a collective good. More practically I'm a syndicalist because I think unions are a good way to engage with these types of politics.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Really well if you really wanna go there, then: anarchy: α(ν) + αρχή = without authority
@RebelliousSpirit I am not familiar with the chaos and disorder variant..
Really · 80-89, M
@RebelliousSpirit I guess there's a difference between anarchy as a condition, and Anarchism as an ideology or 'movement'. As between conservative in behaviour and Conservative in political allegiance.

most of my morals seem to be innate. in other words i don't remember acquiring their basic form. others have come from experiences.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
*Me googling what philosophies there are*

I'm not good with English labels, (frankly labels in general) I rather describe how I live and what I think matters, you all will categorize me automatically as this or that depending on your interpretation.

I believe in trying being a person who makes life fun and easier for others. I am no environment obsessed person but I do my small deeds like never ever littering and picking up others littering, try to recycle as much as I can. I often think about the wild life and want them to have it good. I try to improve myself daily for others but most of all for me.

I let people do their thing and be whoever they are as long as they don't hurt others.
I'm not a fan on religion but I wouldn't take it away from people who are happy in their religious beliefs. However I wish there was an equality rule even in religions.

I try to be a minimalist but I'm far from it.

I'm not really following social trends. This is the only social platform I use. I am to this day not ever reading or activating read reciets. In some ways I'm against society norms but nothing extreme. I struggle with authority and the control they have, and I think grades and academics is overrated.

Oh. I sometimes call myself a realistic optimist. (If that's a philosophy) as I'm quite positive although I'm aware how fucked up this place is.

So. What am I?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Queendragonfly "Hoo-Man"😷
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@whowasthatmaskedman Sounds legit.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If you look into it you will find personal growth and success books all over and many contain a nugget buried in them. I dug out a couple of "50 of the greatest" books that are a kind of idiots guide to modern philosophy and from reading them I have gathered the following.
* Life it much to short to be taken seriously.
* Bad coffee isnt worth it
* What you are drinking to forget will be back tomorrow, and you will have to deal with it hung over..
*Those who dont make mistakes, dont make anything.
* When making a decision, remember to do all you can to minimise regret..
* And dont make too many rules. It limits you..
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Lyfis2live Absolutely true. But dont forget to factor in all the others as well. Particularly the one about coffee..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Well, coffee doesn't exist for me.
Keeping it Simple!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Lyfis2live Coffee doesnt exist????? "Burn the Heretic!!!"😱
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
I sort of balance on the border between existentialism and nihilism.

My morals and values come from the set of ethics that I've chosen to adopt.
@DunningKruger Very interesting. I consider myself a nihilist and have chosen to adopt a set of ethics out of practicality and also out of necessity to function in society.
I think every system needs to be rejected and negated even systems of morality.
Iwillwait · M
"The Golden Rule," is typically my moral compass, as well as trying my best to exemplify the principles of Christ Jesus.
This is an interesting question. Thanks.
I’m listening to the varied responses, which are well thought out.
Easier to say what I reject.

I reject social norms which are formed by pressing ‘like’ on social media.

I reject anything stoic, including Zen.

I suppose I would go along with the six of the Ten Commandments which refer to how we treat each other, and the teaching of Jesus in the New Testament Gospels.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan sums it up nicely. Which I think I first heard at ten.
I was raised in a right wing republican protestant family. It was a strict upbringing involving workaholism with a dash of puritanism.

These days, my philosophy of life could be summed up in the old advice to take everything "one day at a time", and I tend to be guided by the golden rule. So I strive to be as kind as possible whenever possible.
Really · 80-89, M
I like the Wiccan(?) motto "Do as ye will an it harms nane" but that can be hard to accomplish.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The two primary guides in my life have been Winnie The Pooh and baseball. Not being flippant. For those who question Pooh, I suggest reading the Tao of Pooh or the Te of Piglet about the Taoist underpinnings of the book, which is not really surprising given (1) the author was a noted pacifist and (2) the two Pooh books were carefully crafted to appeal to both children and adults at two levels. There are a host of other books that examine Pooh as a philosopher, business management advisor, etc., but the Tao & Te are the best imho.

As for baseball, you only need to listen to the lexicon ingrained in the sport: "stay within yourself", "it's a marathon not a sprint", "it's about learning how to deal with failure because a 300 hitter is failing 70% of the time", ad infinitum.
helenS · 36-40, F
I see Ludwig Wittgenstein as my main philosophical teacher. My other mentor is Hegel, the philosopher of freedom.
I don't think a deductive moral philosophy makes sense. What's right and wrong cannot be deduced from first principles.
They evolved to promote the survival of humanity as a social species.
@LeopoldBloom Do you think morality is therefore somewhat objective or a social construct at the same time like sociologists claim?
@RebelliousSpirit Neither. Morality evolved as a limit on individual behavior for the good of the community. It feels objective in that everyone is of the opinion that their own view of morality is based on some universal principle, but it's not like we can point to something that everyone agrees on. But it's not entirely subjective either because the moral limits we feel are part of our nature. Most of the time, we don't feel forced to cooperate with each other out of fear of punishment; we want to cooperate.

Edward O. Wilson explains this in some detail in Sociobiology, which established that moral behavior evolved the same way physical characteristics did. Since cooperative groups of humans survive better than uncooperative groups, cooperative behavior was selected for and codified as secular laws and religious morality.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I don’t call myself anything, but if I needed to quickly explain my views to someone I’d say stoicism or Buddhism.
Being Human, it obviously bends towards humanism and they stem from the same.

Noble intent & attempt*
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Suppose bit of materialism and stoicism. Enjoy post modernism and Marxist view
666Maggotz · F
My views are a mix of both Cynic and Vedic philosophies.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
I subscribe to no philososphy. My morals come from Islam
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Informed pragmatism. Ensuring that my actions cause minimal harm ti others, the environment, and myself.

My values are derived from my family and my faltering experiences as a social being.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I want to leave the world a better place than how I entered it. I do my best to not harm others and extend an open and caring mind where able. I want to enjoy my life, but not at the expense of anyone else. And I hope kindnesses I share are paid forward by others. I'm far from perfect, but I hope I set a good example for others, on balance.
Freeranger · M
My morals [Christan] came from the knee of my parents. My background was growing up on a farm where the beauty of life, in plants and animals demonstrated the hand of God incessantly.
Carissimi · F
I suppose they come from a mix of my internal moral compass, and the influence of cultural values when I was growing up, as in Judeo-Christian values.
Gloomy · F
Judeo-Christian values.

Watching some PragerU and Dennis Prager?
Carissimi · F
No. I’m not fond of Dennis Prager, and he wasn’t around when I was growing up. In fact, there was no internet, and we only had two tv channels. ITV and BBC. I’m from a different time. @Gloomy
Alyosha · 31-35, M
Materialism, causal determinism, virtue ethics, theism.
Ferric67 · M
treat others the way that I would like to be treated
A few and loosely. Mostly stoicism. A touch of anarchy. A sprinkle of heathen. Mostly I just love people so much I can't help but smile at them and enjoy my life but people are generally miserable. So trying to navigate that and still keep my son and I laughing.
Experience in the real world.
Caballero · 31-35, M
My morals and values come from a mix of Christianity and buddhism.
eMortal · M
Optimistic yet stoic.
Juvia · 22-25, F
Nanori · F
I make them up as I go
I’m not sure it has a label. I know the things that I value, that I believe and fight for, come from my parents, and probably their families.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
Do what makes you happy but don't be a dick.
My philosophy is mostly that of the stoics, particularly Epictetus. My morals come from my own interpretation of the world and my experiences.

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