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How do you get rid of the toxic belief, that if you think well of yourself.. you are arrogant?

It is something that was engrained in me and it is very VERY difficult to rid this belief now. It is really ruining my life over time :(
AnnabelleLeigh · F Best Comment
Confidence and arrogance are very different . You can love yourself in a healthy way and love others too and not look down on anyone. Or be egotistical. It's not like I am better than anyone and my shit doesn't stink's like I am beautiful and intelligent and I deserve love. And you do .
I'd love to see you be as kind to you as you are to everyone else. :)
Think of all your strengths not your perceived flaws.
You're pretty and funny and kind and have a nice voice. Reprogram your mind.
I'm shutting up.
@Coralmist 🫂
@AnnabelleLeigh These words right here, they are beyond caring words giving a world of advice. ❤

Matt85 · 36-40, M
I'm not sure I've got it down right but in one of Pauls letters in The Bible he says consider others better than yourself. So when I think about how I make music and anything else I can be up my own backside about, I always remember there are people who are a whole lot better at doing what I do. Like I said, not sure that's what Paul meant but that's my mentality now. So I have some self belief but I'm never the best at anything.
By working on the realisation that thinking well of yourself is part of Self Love. It is only pointed out as arrogance by people who feel discomforted by other peoples light. I am not talking about the kind of belief which thinks one is superior than another. In fact, thinking well of oneself doesn't take away from how well others can be too.
Get into the practice of praising yourself for every little achievement, every thing you like about yourself. Practice until it becomes muscle memory to think this way.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@thinkingoutloud Ty for that🍀🌸
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Thinking well of yourself is confidence, comparing yourself to others is arrogance.
Penny · 46-50, F
well. arrogant by definition is just like an inflated sense of thinking well of yourself. which really isnt that awful. i mean, i know its generally a negative term but maybe just stop demonizing the word arrogant? no one is perfect.
Penny · 46-50, F
@Coralmist aww. im sorry. it does sound awful. she sounds overly critical and demanding.
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Penny · 46-50, F
@Coralmist to be bombarded liek that everyday must be very difficult. i can understand why its upsetting. you sound stronger than that to let it get you down for too much longer. its good to talk about things and get them out. keep on healing. ❤ youre going to be okay 🤞
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Come hang out with me, my wife and my whole family.
being · 36-40, F
For that one it has been Louise Hay that has helped me. I was resisting her words at first, but I consistently been listening to her for a few years and this has been a big stepping stone onto my journey...
It's not arrogant if you can back it up. Michael Jordan and Larry Bird weren't arrogant, they were that friggin good.

Their is a fine line between confidence and arrogance though.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
Makes me start to wonder if I’m not borderline narcissist
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Jenny1234 No that is not a true narcissist. It is making EVERY interaction about them. It is criticizing EVERYTHING. It is trying to always be right...threaten...and mock someone. Not thinking well of yourself 🫂💜
@Jenny1234 Nothing wrong with thinking well of yourself. That is confidence not being a narcissist.
being · 36-40, F
@Jenny1234 you're not. I feel that you have a healthy confidence about you..
Classified · M
I think humility isn't thinking lowly of yourself, but thinking accurately of yourself. 🤔
calicuz · 56-60, M
Pride in one's self is found in personal accomplishment....... arrogance is based on a false sense of superiority.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Accept your arrogance! You are awesome and if people complain, tell them to shove it, LOL!

Musicman · 61-69, M
I was always told if you don't like yourself how do you expect anyone else to like you. A positive self image is important.
tenente · 100+, M
same. narcisist parents. i'm a mistake and everything is my fault

find comfort soon
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@tenente Well it's not your fault...And you're not a mistake. 🌸 I am only finally seeing how toxic these beliefs REALLY are.
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
@KingofBones1 Thanks King🦋

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