You can study and practice all the wrong things and in all the wrong ways. Progress in any endeavour can be limited without the correct guidance. This is why elite sports people have coaches. You may never know what you're doing wrong, or right, without that guidance.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Sometimes growth stagnates as your body or mind gets used to the stage you have reached and will start growing again.
Growth is never a straight line.
Growth is never a straight line.
fun4us2b · M
@Zeusdelight agreed, sometimes it's just a plateau and a break, or breakthrough will bring you to the next level.
in10RjFox · M
Complacency is one primary factor when they think there is nothing to improve. Usually when attains job security, they become complacent and start to look upon others in disdain.
Another reason is them not being able apply their knowledge or not given challenging jobs. I have sent many just outsource and escape the responsibility so it's easier to blame someone else for failure.
Another reason is them not being able apply their knowledge or not given challenging jobs. I have sent many just outsource and escape the responsibility so it's easier to blame someone else for failure.
icedeathshogun · 22-25
@in10RjFox Sorry, I didn't catch your point about look upon others disdaining others and blaming someone else for failure in relation to the topic of my question, would you mind explaining it again?
in10RjFox · M
@icedeathshogun sure.. once they attain the status and position, they start to assign work to other or find service providers to get the job done, but not take the responsibility of doing the project themselves even though they are qualified and they got their job due to their qualification. So they start to show their superiority in qualification and treat those who come to handle the project in disdain but will not attend to the crucial aspects of the project. The basic idea is to sit on the job and extend the time as much so as to enjoy the salary and perks. And when the project hits deadline, just blame on other factors except themselves.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
For me it's my IQ ceiling.
Umile · 41-45, F
Adstar · 56-60, M
Sometimes it is the Inability to retain information..
Sometimes it is the Limitation in their skill maximum level..
Some people just are not suited to the objective they pursue..
Sometimes you have to walk away and pursue a different goal or objective..
Sometimes it is the Limitation in their skill maximum level..
Some people just are not suited to the objective they pursue..
Sometimes you have to walk away and pursue a different goal or objective..
Reject · 26-30, M
Belief. You can do everything right and work as hard as you possibly can at achieving something, but if you don’t believe in it, it won’t yield any results that matter to you.
Fertilization · 36-40, F
Because they always believe that they are always right.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
They need to study and practice more
Insufficient memory
A lack of comprehension - they could have just automatically memorized things instead of truly understanding how things work, are connected or why the system was made the way it is
A lack of coordination of body parts - insufficient muscle memory
Mistakes made due to inattentiveness and distractibility
Insufficient memory
A lack of comprehension - they could have just automatically memorized things instead of truly understanding how things work, are connected or why the system was made the way it is
A lack of coordination of body parts - insufficient muscle memory
Mistakes made due to inattentiveness and distractibility
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If you're not into it doesn't matter how much work or revision you do.
You're unlikely to improve.
And then there's the wants of others.
The demands they make of you.
The stuff they tell you are the standard they expect.
You're unlikely to improve.
And then there's the wants of others.
The demands they make of you.
The stuff they tell you are the standard they expect.
Fishy · 36-40, F
For me it's executive disfunction...
it's very easy for me to forget what I learn and stay focused on what I'm doing😩
it's very easy for me to forget what I learn and stay focused on what I'm doing😩
Gusman · 61-69, M
Not really passionate about the subject.
To excel we really should enjoy what we are learning.
To excel we really should enjoy what we are learning.
Study is never the same as experience.
rinkydinkydoink · M
I'm trying to envision Roseanne Barr as a ballerina...
icedeathshogun · 22-25
@rinkydinkydoink how is it, do you mind explaining it?
rinkydinkydoink · M
There is nothing dainty about her. Try as she may, her physique wouldn't allow for grace or leaping ability.
Other than that, she is a swell comedienne :)
There is nothing dainty about her. Try as she may, her physique wouldn't allow for grace or leaping ability.
Other than that, she is a swell comedienne :)
MarineBob · 56-60, M
It's not me,it's everyone else
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Some type of mental block perhaps. Or fear of success, which comes with responsibilities.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Laziness obliviousness or inability idk
exexec · 70-79, C
Lack of confidence or desire to change. Fear of improvement. Maybe they have achieved their maximum level of incompetence.
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