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How do I get through this? Am I a bad mum?

I don’t want to ramble on, I just have nobody else to speak to and need to get this out somewhere. Im not trying to victimise myself I know I have responsibility here I just feel like the worst person ever.

I am currently back at work full time after having my first child. I would prefer to be with my son but unfortunately during my maternity leave myself and my partner struggled financially and ran up some debt. I feel like the worst mum ever for leaving my son as he isn’t even 1 yet and I just want to be there for those big moments like first steps, first words etc.

My financial position just now is crippling me. I know eventually it’ll be okay once the debt is sorted and I have some savings back behind us. I just want to be able to enjoy time with my son without worrying. I feel this heavy weight on my chest worrying about money and being a crap mum. It’s 22 minutes past 1 and I’m up for work in a few hours and I can’t sleep because I’m so worried and stressed.

I’ve had some dark thoughts and although I know this is irrational I often wonder if my son would be better off without me. Maybe my partner would meet someone else who could be a better mum to our son. I just really don’t know how to go on feeling like this. I never realised how much money worries can impact you until now.

Another thing playing on my mind is that I was abused when I was younger and I feel as if I want to be present 24/7 to protect my son from what I went through. I know again this is irrational but it’s just another thing piling on me.

Thanks for reading this far. I just needed to vent really.
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Well, being concerned about your son is being a good mum, and being financially responsible is ALSO being a good mum.

See how you can balance these while you are paying off debt and getting some savings.

But stop and consider this: even your dark thoughts show that you are actually willing to sacrifice being there with your son...


You son needs YOU, not some alternate woman.


So be his mom.

That's best for everybody.

Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@SomeMichGuy I’m so glad I found this website - thank you so so much. I know eventually it’ll all be okay, I suppose we all go through these phases when life gets on top of us. Thank you again for taking the time to say this to me. I’m hanging on my a thread and this has helped me put things into perspective ❤
@Needchange1111 A LOT of mothers doubt themselves. But you need to be around for that baby, because he'll never be right if you leave his life.

Your life is no longer yours to live a GREAT mom (and we both know you ARE), you are living your life selflessly...for your son and your family.


And if this helps you, that's all I wanted. Vaya con Dios.
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
Hi everyone. I can’t believe the amount of kind and supporting comments & messages I have had. Thank you all for making me feel less alone and that things will be okay. My son is my everything and I have been really comforted by you all telling me that I’m a good mum and trying my best. Hopefully once I clear this debt I will be able to spend more time with him but until then at least I know I’m trying my absolute best. Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart, reading these messages has brought a bit of light into my life this morning ❤
Adogslife · 61-69, M
First, what you’re feeling is normal. People go through tough times both mentally and physically. Don’t judge yourself too harshly.

As for your child, they only care that they’re loved. If you continually show that love, everything else is explainable as they get older. That love wont allow abuse.

If you need help beyond your partner, most medical coverage helps with therapy. It’s a wonderful thing. If you broke your leg, you’d certainly seek help. If your mind is off track, it’s the exact same thing. There’s always a remedy.

As for debt, that’s not as hard as you think. Talk purchases over before buying. You know what’s needed and what’s frivolous. If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford it.

If you want to afford more, it’s easy. Communicate at work. If you don’t tell your boss you’re going to kick ass so you can get a raise or promoted, DON’T assume they know or care. Income isn’t random. It goes to those that state their plan and back it up. Don’t complain. Stay out of politics. If you need to leave a job for higher wages, do it. Evaluate you income path every two years. Don’t listen to promises. If your goal is to punch in and punch out, expect your paycheck to reflect the same.

Attack success. Attack it as a mom, wife and employee. The results will come. You will succeed.
Convivial · 26-30, F
A few points that hopefully may help you come to peace ... There may be some post natal depression occurring.... Secondly debt is a worry and that won't be helping.... On the bright side, you are working and taking actions to remedy the situation... You can only do what you can do and you are taking positive actions.... It will resolve itself in your favour and your son will be the happier for that 🤗
Listen, moms who work feel guilty cause they are not at home. Moms who stay at home feel guilty because they are not working. This is temporary. He knows you are his mom. He knows you love him. Please get some counselling about how you feel including your depressed thoughts and your trauma. Even tslk to a crisis line. If you feel like harming yourself, talk to your family doctor or go to the ER to get evaluated. You are not alone. You have a spouse. A child. And, I am sure, friends And relatives who care about you.
That sure sounds tough. I'm glad you were able to share with us. I know you're making the best decision you can. It's easy to second guess yourself, but you're doing what you're doing for a reason. All you can do is your own personal best.
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@froggtongue thank you for being so empathetic. I’m sure it’ll all work out, being able to openly talk about it has certainly lightened the load a little❤
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I hear you.

Times are hard. You have to do what you have to do to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly.

But you didn't cause the economic problem. Like millions of other parents also in exactly the same position !

So you're not alone.

Don't doubt yourself !
I've no doubt you're an excellent mother doing what she needs to.
shakemeup · 36-40
I think it's natural to have doubts from time to time especially when you're stressed out. But it sounds to me like you care so much for him. You sound like a great mom. He needs you not a new mom. Sounds like you are doing everything you need to do to be a good mom. And you are aware about balancing being there for him and other responsibilities. Hopefully things settle down and you won't have as many worries weighing you down. Keep working at things and continue to try to take the time as a family to enjoy each other as well.

Life is never smooth and perfect! You keep on doing the best you can! You got this!
Casheyane · 31-35, F
The fact that you're worrying about wanting to be with your son but wanting to make sure you resolve your debt so you can be with your family freely tells me you have a sense of responsibility and that you care for him. Don't be too hard on yourself.

I'm not sure about your work, but if possible, there are opportunities for work from home. You can try that. Some also opt for freelance. That way, you can spend time with your son and still earn.

God bless.
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@Casheyane thank you for taking the time out to respond to me. It means a great deal to me ❤ I have been looking for some remote jobs so hopefully something comes up. I look forward to the day this stress is gone.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@Needchange1111 I hope you find a good one. Fighting :)
SnipingSvelte · 26-30, F
please don't let the dark thoughts win. you have got some good advice from others here. you are being a wonderful mom and you just need to take one day at a time, one moment at a time 🤗
kids a resilient. you do what you gotta do 🤘
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout thank you so so much for reading this and replying to me. Makes me feel not so alone.
Relax... You are overthinking.
Everything will be just fine.

Thinking never solves the problem
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Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@daydeeo u have no idea how much I needed to hear this. Thank you for taking the time to be so kind to me. In my head I just feel as if I get one chance to give him the best childhood and I’m so scared of messing it up by being so anxious all the time 😣❤
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@Needchange1111 Relax. Things have a way of working out. You're doing the best you can, and you cant do any better than that. Give yourself grace.
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@daydeeo I appreciate this more than you know. Thank you❤
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Well…at this age he won’t remember you weren’t there
@Needchange1111 I was the abandoned child …. so I can tell you that you have nothing to worry about now. Only when at that age when they start remembering who was there with them matters… he will never remember who saw him take his first step who heard his first word or who held his bottle for him. He will assume it was you. But at the age of 4 or for some kids 3 if he can remember some nights you reading books to him and lots of affection like kisses n hugs when your there —- is enough for good mom memories. Also, the single most important thing is to be there through his problems or attention to his complaints (needs). Thats what matters and will be remembered and cherished.
Needchange1111 · 22-25, F
@SW-User I’m really sorry to read about your experience growing up. I think it says a lot about you that despite not having your needs met as a child, you empathise and offer advice to a stranger online that you owe nothing to. Thank you so much for giving me your perspective and the advice you have given based on that is so so valuable to me ❤
@Needchange1111 ya, life is hard, job and money is a must and a need. Right now is actually the best time to do it. There is nothing to worry about —-the current events a baby at such age will not remember and not care about later on in life. But if you let guilt bring you down then he will sense your bad mood 😒 when you are there and get cranky too
Sapio · 51-55, M
You're doing the best you can for your son. Keep you head up. You're a good mum. You're sacrificing time with him but it is for the greater good. Hang in there.
be a momma bear and take care of your child....

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