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Men, in your honest opinion, could you please define sexy?

Friendlyman64 · 56-60, M Best Comment
Beautiful inside out and kindly welcoming and inviting you meet her once and feel that you have known her for a very long time fell you are close friends and you wish she will never leave for any reason. That’s few of many
Lee124 · F
@Friendlyman64 all good things are rare, I'm afraid.
Friendlyman64 · 56-60, M
Thank you @Lee124

indyjoe · 56-60, M
I tend to agree with HatandCloak and with Beatbox34 on this one...It does mean something slightly or even completely different for everyone and there is no real definition of it. For me it has to be realness/naturalness and confidence. A woman who is not afraid of who she is, her femininity, her sexuality, her body, her mind and heart...and yet still has respect, consideration, understanding, and compassion for others too. Basically not being afraid of or ashamed of just being a person and being human (as an example...a woman who can be soft, feminine, classy/lady-like, and also be "just one of the guys"...a balance of the two and not an extreme of either) is sexy as heck to me. Make sense?
Lee124 · F
@indyjoe very much so. Absolutely agree with your definition. However, some are all those but not confident nor comfortable in their own skin and often overlooked. Meaning shy. How would you know if you don't make an effort to get to know them if they don't fit all your listed criteria? How would they still fall within your definition of sexy.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Lee124 Take my wife for instance...she was very tomboyish growing up and still has some of those traits even today, but she is also lady, classy and feminine (the "girl next door"). She is a kind, sensitive, caring, and loving woman who is not afraid to express herself, get her hands dirty, and can take care of herself when she needs to. She balances those sides almost perfectly. How did I find this out? She was not glamorous or a model/playmate but I found her to be very attractive and pretty so I began striking up brief conversations with her. It was SHE who showed interest first, we talked more in depth and decided to start dating and that is how I learned all of these wonderful things about her and who she our friendship and our relationship took root and began to grow. Basically you can't know until the ice is broken.
Lee124 · F
@indyjoe yes. Sexy can be a certain appealing feature, but not necessarily the person. Where as the deeper definition would be the person and all her qualities as a whole. Glad you found your sexy.
GoodGuyEP · 51-55, M
Comes in all shapes and sizes but it's unmistakable when you see it! Could be eyes that sparkle or legs that she knows has everyone looking!
TravisTx · M
A woman who carries herself well, friendly, welcoming, smiling with a playful attitude. As a matter of you, Lee! 😉
Lee124 · F
@TravisTx Sweet of you to say.. Thank you! 🤗
HatandCloak · 31-35, M
Sexy is different for everyone, what I think is sexy another person may not.
navigatorTR · 41-45, M
she should be stimulating both physically and mentally. if she can do a combination of two its the best :) many phyically sexy women are not mentally that deep and stimulating. I think they gain this capability in time. physically i do not have a rigid definition of a sexy woman. just not too overweight or not overly skinny or too musculan girls are not my type thats all.
33person · 26-30, M
I think if you look healthy and you still have the childlike sweetness and curiosity that most people lose as the world roughens them up, and you're not going overboard to try to be "better" than you really are (e.g. excessive perfume, excessive makeup, etc.), then that's my definition of sexy.
CluckNorris · 100+, T
my hot wings ☺️
Lee124 · F
@CluckNorris 🤤 Not just sexy, hot too!!🥰😍
CluckNorris · 100+, T
I have very crispy thighs too. @Lee124
Lee124 · F
@CluckNorris have to have in order to know the kind of crunch you desire
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
sexy is both physical and mental beauty in one very fine package. Not 'supermodel' as supermodels are not 'sexy' in the main. Some can be, but supermodels tend not to combine physical and mental abilities.
Vimala · F
It is difficult to put it in writing. like taste, it differs from person to person. the one that is sexy may not look sexy for other.
Viper · M
I don't think their is a strict way to define it, other than things that get my blood/mind flowing in what feels like a positive way.
Mk8155 · M
Having that “knowing” smile. Knowing she has my back, loves me for me. Wants creativity in bed. Hard to find that
Lee124 · F
@Mk8155 yes they are. Glad you found yours.
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Lee124 · F
@Lostandconfused good point. Thank you.
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Lee124 · F
Just being a natural women
@Lee124 just a women being herself
Lee124 · F
@Justsimple good point
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Justsimple Natural and hairy - yes please!
Pfuzylogic · M
Someone who takes good care of themselves and intelligent in banter
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
Sexy as in attractive?
Lee124 · F
@Beatbox34 attractive as in looks, behaviour or both?
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Lee124 I'd prefer to be with someone who's sexy from within.

By that I mean who has a beautiful personality.

I say this explicitly because looks fade with age and someone who's gonna look for a "good looking" person is shallow but a person with a wonderful personality never grows old.
Lee124 · F
@Beatbox34 I hear you. Thank you
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Attitude and self-confidence
Faust76 · 46-50, M
Faust76 · 46-50, M
@Lee124 Being me. *ahem* Actually, are we talking men or women? I don't think it's quite the same, although many elements are expected in both. For women, I was just thinking keeping an air of mystery - or perhaps mystique is better word as nobody wants to be dealt with evasively. In men's case women seem to want our whole life story, which I'm not sure is advantageous, though there'd never be enough time anyway.

But since the question is more general in nature... Despite how chauvinistic it sound these days, I'd still go with the old "Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets". A guy, occasionally, has the be the opposite.
Lee124 · F
@Faust76 I do prefer a gentleman in the street and freak in the sheets myself lol. I get your point. Thank you
Faust76 · 46-50, M
@Lee124 No time for a book, haha. "occasionally" though. I tried to find source for the quote, but actually found It sounds catchy, but let's be honest it's not strictly true. And first of all, for the book one has to define "gentleman" and "freak" etc. these are not the same for everybody.

But everybody more or less loves a bit of the "bad boy", that's just how the culture is wired with elegant, nurturing, soft, feminine and powerful, confident, hard, masculine. (Generalizations are just that, of course) Just how much "bad boy" people end up with in their interpersonal relationship varies.
Ikr omg hard work 😓 lol!
Lee124 · F
@SW-User 😅
Lee124 · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout a great attitude can be sexy as all hell.
Badunk · 31-35, M
Someone you want to have sex with. Lol
Lee124 · F
@Badunk okay. We can clearly see which head reigns supreme 😅😉
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Me watching TV, the woman brings out a beer and then leaves me alone 🙂
Lee124 · F
@Justenjoyit and you'd want her to leave you alone? How's that sexy?
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
@Lee124 I drink quick😉
Lee124 · F
@Justenjoyit 🤣🤣👍
strongbow · 46-50, M
Less feminism, less man shaming, accept that men and women are different
Lee124 · F
@strongbow yes we are.

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