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Can I live in your mind for a bit?

Mine needs a break. 👀
Matt85 · 36-40, M
shit, you dont want to do that brotha
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@thinkingoutloud The Devil makes work for idol thumbs.
@Matt85 ohhh. I know that feeling
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@thinkingoutloud Don't we all!
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
Oh it would be a lovely time! Maybe you could explain where the damn music is coming from and why I am the way I am :D
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
@justlooking2023 [media=]

This actually!
justlooking2023 · 56-60, M
@Silentpleasure It should be an enjoyable day for you.
Silentpleasure · 31-35, F
@justlooking2023 Or madness slowly taking over lol.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Sure, but you can't regret your decision once you realize yours was calm in comparison. 😂
@Queendragonfly I will take it as an adventure. 😂
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
It's a deal if you leave it tidier than it is now!
@ninalanyon No promises!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@thinkingoutloud No deal then! I need the place tidied!
You would be mentally disturbed after.
@MsSwan tell me more
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
Sure, i'll throw in a discount on the rent :)
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@NerdySoph Rent? @thinkingoutloud didn`t mention anything about money. Just to live there.
@Degbeme you didn't take the opportunity. I didn't set conditions. I let you all set those. 😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@thinkingoutloud I was not going to subject you to the cesspool inside my head. 🤭
Simpleboy1 · 31-35, M
It is filled with sexual desires always
@Simpleboy1 I'm going to skip that
Simpleboy1 · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud then you will find peace ..shyness ..kind heart
Ontheroad · M
Please. it's untidy at best and stuff needs to be neatly arranged!
@Ontheroad Okay, get rearranging so it's ready for me. :P
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
Sure. Plenty of space there anyway
@BarbossasHusband okay.. I hope it's clean in there. 😂
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
@thinkingoutloud oh, it really isn't. How can you tell you ask? Well, I'm on SW 🤷‍♂️
Sevendays · M
Sure! When you find it let me know where it is?
@Sevendays I like that. A little challenge. sure about that?
@mindstruggle I am practicing spontaneity. 🥹
You would seriously regret it
@SW-User it would be an adventure
Straylight · 31-35, F
That place is a mess.
@Straylight I love messes
@SatanBurger we are going to be sharing one loo?🤔
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
My mind scares me.
@GeistInTheMachine it's scaring me right now. With all sorts of stuff I would rather pack away.
Maybe we trade
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud I understand. My anxiety turns into fear if bad enough. Binaural beats and ASMR helps sometimes. You'll be okay in the end.
@GeistInTheMachine yes. Thanks. 🤗
Well, you're not going to get a break living in mine.
You'll run right back to your own, thinking you're on vacation.
Tracos · 51-55, M
Min is already broken
Tracos · 51-55, M
@thinkingoutloud kind of like how tempered glass explodes into tiny little shards
@Tracos it's about putting it back one shard at a time. Like a puzzle.
Tracos · 51-55, M
@thinkingoutloud I think I'll just download a new mind somewhere
Sure. Will you sort a few thing out while you are there? I cant seem to untangle a few things.
@nonsensiclesnail one of my favourite things to do. Untangling.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M might blow up full of thousands of thoughts and sparkles
@FreestyleArt but imagine how sparkly your mind could be, for a little while.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud you might laugh with your own thoughts ...the downside....when you think deep? You might get depressed
Can't promise you'd be any better off after spending time in my head.😂
@UnderLockDown it can be a different kind of nightmare? Lol
Nightmare swap
reubles · 41-45, M
It's cluttered in there, but if you can find a spot, claim it
@reubles *swoops the clutter out in one move. Lol. It's all mine now.
calicuz · 56-60, M
You wouldn't want to, too many conspiracy theories and music trivia.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
@thinkingoutloud Just one
@rrraksamam I can live with that. 🙃
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Bad idea, it is sweltering in there
@SW-User what is it sweltering with?
@thinkingoutloud A lot of heat and bad vibes :)
@SW-User bad vibes is a bad idea right now. Next time maybe.
Feel free, plenty of space
@SW-User packing my thoughts. Get ready for me.
@thinkingoutloud I've tidied up as best I could
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@thinkingoutloud Just a teeny, huh?
@Degbeme that's clingy level gazillion for this interaction. 😂
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Thefreckledgirl1 · 18-21, F
I don't think you would want to be in mine...
Sure. There’s not much room though 🤷🏻‍♂️
popmol · 26-30, M
@popmol so sweet of you
popmol · 26-30, M
@thinkingoutloud i have a lot of space 🤪 and you are lovely! ☺️
Justgreg · M
That wouldn’t be a break
@SW-User can I scrub some dishes instead?
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
Please dont wake up the others while you are there lol
@Justenjoyit Like, they are in a cell like structure ....or?😂
@OnePatheticClown I think I like my mind better. 🥴
You wouldn't leave the same if you did
Wish granted 👳
@Nihiless this is amazing. Straight to the point. Love it.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yeah, okay. You can help me deal with the scary things.
@LordShadowfire I need to know these scary things before I decide.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@thinkingoutloud My brain tries to tell me everyone is doing things intentionally at me.
@LordShadowfire that's pretty scary. I don't think I can deal with that right now. 🤗
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That would not be healthy or good for you. Mine has lots of trauma and bad memories.

Best to stay in yours.
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@HypnoChode Apparently most people here do not recommend it. I wonder why. 😂

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