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To all carnivores,

Poll - Total Votes: 18
Yes! This is world changing!
No, ewww!
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Lab grown meat, which was grown from live animal cells without killing them, and without bacterial contamination and overdosing of hormones and antibiotics, has now been approved for sale!

So, once costs are at parity with “normal” meat, would you make the switch?

(p.s. I’m not a vegan).
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Pikachu Best Comment
In a heartbeat. And anyone who says differently is speaking in either ignorance or grotesque self-interest.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Pikachu The latter. "Tradition" is the word that'll justify it.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Elessar The naturalistic fallacy is what I hear a lot about. I love the quip: "vegans have blenders, there's no blenders in the wild therefore veganism is wrong."

It's like arguing with a bunch of 2 year old children, they don't have knives or forks in the wild, McDonalds, hospitals, nor get meat air lifted from New Zealand and all those fancy spices they put on their medium rare steak cooked to perfection on a grill either but that doesn't stop them 😂
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SatanBurger lol, good point!

Kwek00 · 41-45, M
If it's the same thing, and it takes care of all the issues that industrial farming has on a world scale. Then yes.

There will still be certain things that I don't see how they can replicate that though... like there are local specialties where an animal is put on a certain diet to generate the taste that it has. But for the bulk products, I see no issue.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Kwek00 Maybe with time there'll be a way to replicate/imitate those peculiar products as well.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Elessar Who knows, but as an Italian, you know how good a piece of dried ham can be from a good porc 🤤
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Kwek00 Yeah, and that's why if they manage to fool my taste-buds I'll be really (positively) impressed 😁
SteelHands · 61-69, M
It's artificial meat. You can claim it's identical but claiming it is isn't going to make it be actual meat.

Some will say it tastes alike but the public is not all going to agree.

Anymore than fake eggs butter milk cheese or juice ever was.

By the way wild quarry dressed and quartered are no where near the same as herd raised and butchered.

There are other by products from domestic animals as well that this won't replace altogether.

I might eat it occasionally if it's a limited menu but not if my choice included regular beef or pork.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Pikachu You are apparently a person that lacks fine detail in your thinking. That probably explains why you believe in the deep thinking animal bs that cartoons and other communist "humans are just animals" athiesm was easily able to brainwash into you.

By the way I've had dogs, hamsters, a clutch of mother abandoned wild rabbits, Guinea pigs.. I've rescued a few broken winged birds, and raised a couple six foot boa constrictor snakes. I fed those snakes live rats as often as I could find live prey to give then. It kept them much healthier though they do prefer hamsters and kittens.

Animals that I owned or rescued I would never use as food.

As for compassion you're out of line talking to me as if I were a torturer of animals. Your accusation of my lack of empathy simply because I KNOW animals are animals and don't have the kind of brain to have shit for memorization makes you a total pos.

I think of myself as a fair minded, generous and helpful guy. I DONT remember people or their names as easily as a ten digit sequence, every number sequence I've ever had to memorize, and other things far more useful to me than old Tom Dick and Harry. I can't keep close track of how many times people forgot my name or person also. So that doesn't really mean much to me. That's not a test of high level though process, just so you know. It's a small child's ability that high level thinkers often grow beyond.

I imagine you, hindered that you are, unable to read a blatantly stated discourse on your offensiveness without injecting your own false yet self convinced belief that you can detect my emotional demeanor. Sorry kid. You can't.

But don't worry. If I were to be induced to, (rage??lol) over something as apparently sterile as an internet exchange I would either say that I am as impressively so eloquently that guessing wouldn't be needed.

Can't really imagine why I would want to not choose signing off instead but ya never know. I might decide I should tell someone if I was losing it. I can also say that for some very obvious reasons that you just can't grasp, a person butting in to call someone else names is a horses ass. And I block horses asses.

@hartfire Without a prefrontal cortex your points are moot.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
[image/video deleted]
You're not playing by the rules.

Copy pasting to defeat a block?

You're dishonest


You're dishonest

You told me i could tell her why. Sorry if this upset you.

I don't understand why you've reacted so aggressively at being questioned.
It's ok to have different points of view.
That doesn't make me your enemy or a communist or lol

I think of myself as a fair minded, generous and helpful guy.

Good. So show me that. Show me you're fair-minded and generous.
Or at least show me why you don't think you should be fair minded about compassion to "food" animals or why you should not be generous is your treatment of them.

Animals that I owned or rescued I would never use as food.

Ah, we're making progress!
So you are capable of having compassion for non-human animals.
Why is that? Why do you love a dog? Why do you rescue injured or distressed animals?

Ok, have your answer?
So what is preventing you from having that same compassion for animals which we raise for food?
Remember: cows are emotional animals that form friendships and pigs are at least as intelligent and loyal as dogs. Consider also that which animals are "pets" and which are "food" is largely cultural and has little to do with the animal's cognitive ability or awareness.
Dogs are eaten in some countries, guinea pigs in others and dolphins - some of the most intelligent, emotional, playful creatures on the planet - are slaughtered by the thousand for their meat.

Do you understand that point i'm making?

Recall that we are discussing eating meat that has been grown without the need to cause suffering to another creature.
So take a Deeeeeeep breath, calm the spiteful, venomous reply you're getting ready to put me in my place with and just think.....and then answer:

Why would you be against such an alternative? If you understand that animals are worthy of our compassion do you really have sufficient reason to exclude animals that we traditionally harvest for meat from this compassion.

Again, you're free to leave at any time or block me if you feel that is the best thing for you to do.
Until then, i shall continue to treat you as a rational adult capable of thoughtful consideration and reasoned replies.

The floor is yours.
How small a sample is sufficient to grow lab-meat on a commercial scale?

Is the original sample of flesh taken from the animal without causing it pain or suffering?

What kind of life does the animal lead after donating its genetic material?

Would different samples be taken from different parts of the animal in order to grow specific types of muscle fibre, or other edible structures such as liver, heart, tongue, kidneys, intestines?

Since gelatine is made from hooves and cartilage, would it also be vat grown from live samples?

Or does the growth come from stem cells in a placenta - somehow able to grow all parts of the animal? If so, what stops the lab-grown flesh from growing into a sentient being?

~ ~ ~
On the levels of nutrition and palatability...
Given that free-range grass-fed meat is high in Omega 3 but factory-raised grain-fed meat has none - what differences could one expect to find in the nutrition levels of the lab-grown product?

How is the degree of marbling or fat content affected?

Given that wild caught game is always much tastier than the same species of animal raised domestically, how might the flavour and texture of lab-grown meat differ?
Uachtarain · 31-35, M
@hartfire no idea, but the meat industry is very interested and they would be able to help out.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@hartfire Maybe they can take one tissue sample and grow it in a lab? Maybe that's what they mean... I think all you'd have to do is have the cellular structure but I may be wrong.
Uachtarain · 31-35, M
@Pikachu I would have given you best answer to your long reply to steelhands, but as that was a reply itself, I couldn’t.

So, here ya go 🙂👍

Thanks! I just don't see how anyone who's really thought about it could object.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I'm vegan now but I don't know, I probably wouldn't just because I'm starch based now so potatoes, yams/sweet potatoes, squash, above the ground veggies, other starch veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes/beans, fruits, bread, grains etc.

But I do eat vegan "meat" products twice a week just to not get bored so maybe it would be better than having real live animals and eventually it will be necessary if we are going to continue at the rate we're continuing. Our earth can't take it forever, eventually viruses will wipe us out if not climate change so we need to get on it. I can't complain about lab meat, it's far better.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I'm vegetarian and very in favour of lab grown meat. No animal gets slaughtered and it's better for the environment.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Pikachu Did that person block you because they did me and I didn't even say anything rude lol!

lol he didn't block me but you can see what he said and you're not missing much.
I tried to be moderate in my response to him but....holy shit lol

I fking hate a holes that shove their faces into a conversation uninvited and start ranting.

I blocked the bish. You can tell hizerm why.

All I need to say to you is you seem to think that I should care about killing animals that don't know that they sleep, can't remember more than perhaps 15 seconds back in time, and only practical purpose for existing is to be part of the food chain.

If you have a sentiment hang up about meat animals and I don't tell you you're messed up in the head, which you are by the way.

What the hell makes you so arrogant as to come up on me and tell me I should become a damn pussyhead like you and change into a vegetator and don't be myself?

You're used to people telling you that you're such a nice person but they're lying in your face. You aren't nice. You're a pushy jerk that someone needs to push back on you because you ain't about shit and your animal love is fukin sick.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Pikachu Lmao yeah I'm not missing much, I don't get half his argument, we're trying to turn him into a pussy? Lol sounds like he already felt that way long before I came along.

can't remember more than perhaps 15 seconds back in time, and only practical purpose for existing is to be part of the food chain.

Though I will say this even if I'm only preaching to the choir at this point, science proves animals have a long associative memory.

Some animals more than others but regardless, we may as well farm kids for meat because his logic may as well apply to them.

I mean as long as you kill and cook them before they are able to keep memories, it should be fine 😂🤷‍♀️

Yeah he was clearly operating in ignorance when he began this discussion and when confronted with contradictory information he took the stance that having compassion for "food" animals should necessarily be considered weak.

He is reacting extremely violently simply to being asked to thoughtfully consider something he has evidently not given much thought to.

I think he feels threatened and is lashing out.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Yes, definitely.
I'm not that much of a fan of meat to probably bother with it, but if i was going to eat meat i'd definitely choose the one that doesn't require killing animals.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
They will have a fight on their hands though, meat suppliers were suing the crap out of fake meat/vegan mayo industries because they were mad that vegans were calling it "meat" but in reality they see it as competition so the lab grown meat makers do have an uphill battle. People will get threatened and they will sue. I do hope success though, we need it.
Uachtarain · 31-35, M
@SatanBurger I’m still happy to go for something that could reduce its carbon footprint by 96% and land use by 99%. That’s why we need proper regulations.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Uachtarain Yeah agreed.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Uachtarain Thing is we can't keep going on with animal agriculture the way we have with at least 8 out of the ten major viruses due to animal farming.

We're lucky that it could be worse and so we'll need the growth of lab meat and so I'm happy.
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
I'd try it but idk if I'd switch all together
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
Ill stick with a real cow thanks.
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
@Elessar if both were the same id give it a shot. I am supertaster though so... fear. a lot to overcome to try anything.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@PDXNative1986 Same here. My tongue is a spoiled brat.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@plasticpants02 Lol view a video of when a cow wakes up from being stunned right before slaughter and then look at growing tomatoes, tell me if you see the difference there.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
If it was a real sustainability issue for me I would likely switch to a totally plant based diet before eating the lab grown meat. Yuck!
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
Hunting without cruelty is no vice.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M

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