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How do we make friends as adults?

I work from home, finished up grad school and never made a friend in college. I'm feeling lonely and unfortunately, being chronically online doesn't help. I'm far past my social anxiety and am at a point where I don't really care much for what people think, which actually doesn't seem to be helping me to make friends either.
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redredred · M
Step one. Decide what interests you. Do you like the outdoors? Gardening? Skydiving? Swimming?
Step two. Find a group or a club or a venue where such activities are common or are are dedicated to it
Step three. Join up, go to meetings or on hikes or whatever the group likes to do.

I have an old friend who loves golf. He joined a local (not fancy) country club specifically to find a girlfriend who also liked golf. He did! They’ve been married for years and he never gets an argument when he wants to go play golf.
Stephie · 22-25, F
It should not really be too difficult. Don't try to be someone you are not. Being natural is the best way to make friendships because if you fake to be what you are not, people will find out sooner or later and then you may lose a friendship.

Go out of your comfort zone and get out. Take up a hobby or join a club of similarly minded people that share something that you like. The rest will fall automatically in place and you can create great friendships.

However, be cautious about those superficial people that will betray you and stab you in the back when you need them or ask them for a favor.

Also, when online, be selective who you befriend. Not everyone is who they pretend to be and mainly on social media, keep a healthy distance and don't share visuals that you know will be lost to you forever. Good luck.
IamBack · 31-35, M
It’s not easy, especially in a new country, I’m trying to be more social and it helps but making friends now in my mid thirties is actually challenging
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
I wish i knew. I have always had trouble making friends. I am very socially shy and as an adult it definitely gets harder to make new friends
markinkansas · 61-69, M
i have some of those same problems.. mindfullness helps . or if ya need to just talk message me
message me and dont be alone.. some people do care you are not alone
Iwillwait · M
That's hard. I have trouble making friends too. 🤗
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Always good to make friends here
So many people say they need friends but do they really are willing to be one?
RedBaron · M
Get involved with an organization or activity in your community.

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