I was one of the original dozen or so Founding members at EP's inception which occurred back in 2005. EP was originally designed as a descriptive writing site for worldly people to share their travel experiences with young people who had Muscular Dystrophy and were therefore unable to travel. Those home-bound and often bed-ridden MS patients would then experience a life of travel vicariously through those who did travel extensively and were willing to share those memories of traveling the world.
At the time, I was a teenager in high school and the only traveling I did was on a team school bus going from one sports venue to another for regional gymnastics competitions. Who I'd been contributing my experiences with on EP were people who flew on private jets, plus those who traveled cross-country in RV's.
For me, EP started out as a creative, descriptive writing outlet which others could benefit from as they'd interact with our short stories, but then EP came to a grinding halt after the site was sold to a new webmaster who had no interest whatsoever in continuing the original objective of EP in being a website devoted to sharing travel experiences, hence the name Experience Project.
EP shut down in 2015 after it was allowed by that new webmaster to turn into a wild-west show for the 5 years preceding EP's eventual demise. When SW was then started up in 2016 following the implosion of EP, this website was and still is marketed as the official replacement or alternative for EP, but in fact is nowhere near what EP was nor ever will be, even at EP's darkest moments in time.
The reason SW is no good whatsoever for creative writing is because it's web format was originally designed as an online game of trivial pursuit as evidenced by it's Q&A style of interaction, thereby leaving nowhere on this website that is actually dedicated to writing short stories like EP had been set up to achieve right from it's original inception.