That's not strange to me at all. Half my life I ate/didn't eat like that. I didn't want to be like that, it was just a mix of a stressful life that resulted in me just never eating until right before bed for years and years.
It sure saves on the food bills, right? Lol.
One meal a day might work for some people. A few years back, I started to get bad migraines and then I didn't:y feel like it and I couldn't hardly eat at night either!
So I started to get my body to get used to a protein shake or small amount of oatmeal or piece of fruit on the morning and ate an evening meal. Then I stopped having bad migranes.
Now I've gotten used to eating something for lunch most days to keep my partner happy-even though the thought of eating lunch still makes me feel shitty and like puking. I buy a dollar bag of veggies or fruit, and my goal is to eat a little of it every day at lunch at work until it's gone by the end of the week.